Site is good as is....yall need to attract new members n stop shittin on every newbie off top if u ever want the site to once again flourish. Maybe merge some of the dead forums together as well.
Of course the other problem is that most people under 20 have never been on a message board before in their lives, and most people above that age stopped using them a long time ago to move onto social media. Most of em wouldn't return back to sites like this cuz they don't know how much stuff you can do here that you could never do on a bullshit social network like facebook.
I also think that we should have mods be more active. Threads get sidetracked a lot lately. I remember like 3-4 decent threads recently that were ruined by bickering between Incisions, DaGrimProphet, and/or jmacc that had nothing to do with anything. Would be cool if mods would move posts like those to their own thread so good threads aren't derailed with bullshit.
Not meaning to point fingers but jmacc probably does this the most. Maybe mods could see this shit and delete it if the post in question is irrelevant and only made to piss somebody off before long ass annoying arguments start up. But this gotta be a 2 way street so everybody gets treated equally no matter who is getting ripped on, I can tell this would be a problem when completely irrelevant shit like this gets so many props just because it's directed at a poster most dudes don't like:
Shut the fuck up and go make yourself a baked bean white bread sandwich you fucking cornball faggot
Mr G and Mr G