2-0-Sixx is droppin an album real soon. It's basically all electronica with various robot voices throughout the album (most common voice is similar to Soundwave from transformers (see below video)).
That's basically it. Sick beats with Soundwave talkin about shit for 75 minutes.
2-0-Sixx is droppin an album real soon. It's basically all electronica with various robot voices throughout the album (most common voice is similar to Soundwave from transformers (see below video)).
That's basically it. Sick beats with Soundwave talkin about shit for 75 minutes.
2-0-Sixx is droppin an album real soon. It's basically all electronica with various robot voices and red communist shit throughout the album (most common red shit & robot voice is similar to Kraftwerk (see below video)).
That's basically it. Sick beats with Communists talkin about shit for 75 minutes.