First off, how is this HYPHY in any fuckin way??? Damn near all the guests are mobb music artits. Second, it's a fuckin bbq, NOT a's in the public forum, meaning EVERYONE is invited...Mars is just showing who is confirmed. I swear, some of you act like you deserve a fuckin party thrown for you...for having done nothing but complain.
Second off - all about their money???? ITS A FREE FUCKIN EVENT.
What you new folks dont realize is that back in the day, there used to be big ass bbq's, where dudes like Lynch, Spice-1, Woodie, etc would mingle with fans. Back then you didn't have as much shit talking behind a computer screen because you would be touched at one of these. Now that my dude Mars is putting one together, people wanna bitch about that??? Pathetic.