The Living room. To the right is the door to the smoke room.
The smoke room. On the left is a big corner couch that sits 6 or 7 people. The room looks small but I've fit about 15 people in here after the bars close down.
The view from the smoke room.
The hallway looking at the front door from the living room.
The front door. The white door on the right is the elevator. It's pretty funny because I'm not very attractive and don't dress up and have no game to speak of. But when we bring females back to the spot and I open up the elevator door, the attitude change is funny as fuck. "Oh hey, did you see my new bra? Where's your room at?" LOL the bitch wouldn't give me the time of day all night. It's like I magically become handsome.
The view from the kitchen.
I still have a lot of work to do on the place, but it's definitely an upgrade from the last place. Plus this shit is right in the heart of downtown. I have my boy round up some females around 4AM when the bars start to close, and we walk to my place and kick it till 8 or 9. So far the neighbors haven't complained.