tadou said:
Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Fascism have never and will never work. Period. And for those of you who propose a hybrid--the closer to the 4 aforementioned ISMs you get, the more likely your country is to fall apart.
Firstly, by mentioning Fascism alongside Socialism, Communism & Marxism, are you suggesting that they are somehow ideologically similar? It may well be that you are basing your interpretation of socialism on the Stalinist totalitarianism that persisted in the Soviet Union and later in other countries, only under a different title (Maoism, etc.). Also, I’d be interested to see you give reasons as to why such a hybrid would fall apart.
Though I must agree that I don’t see communism as a working model, it is quite clear that
capitalism doesn't work either – there are many flaws in capitalism, which should be neutralized or counterbalanced by a relatively ”socialist” approach, so to speak. The way of thinking that everyone should be responsible for his or her own income and livelihood may sound like a nice idea to some, but it in reality leads to oppression by money and far too great economic inequality. ESPECIALLY large-scale capitalism – I suggest you familiriaze yourself with third world country studies. Again, I am NOT against market economy – it’s just that it HAS to be controlled.
At risk of repetition, I again have to refer to the so-called Scandinavian model of a "welfare state". Even the highly respected economist John Maynard Keynes realized that
state capitalism, when partially realized, is a good means to limit varying unemployment and economic insecurity. Too bad that the United States took a MUCH more shitty direction partly as a result of the fear of communism.
The world trade of today – capitalism, whatever you want to call it – CONTINUOUSLY impoverishes the third world countries and keeps most of the world in a state almost resembling slavery. And abject famine. This misery then causes civil wars, exile, corruption, brutal repressive regimes. The list is endless. These are so simple facts that they should be indisputable.
Also notice how there is not a single
entirely capitalistic country in the world. Hell, even the good ole’ United States still has some level of social security for ordinary people. Though in practice only nominal.
Also, Tadou, I think you are really oversimplifying things by making upwards social mobility and rising out of poverty sound that easy. My point is, people
are desperate for money and opportunities -- not everyone can do what you or your mother have done. Statistically speaking, you are an exception. Conservatives (or ”right-wing” people) usually tend to magnify the role of the individual (”Just work/study harder!”) and neglect social and environmental pressures.
Abstrakt said:
This thread reminds me what a professor once told me, "You can't have equality without liberty there would just be a society of otherwise equal slaves, on the other hand, you can't just have liberty without equality then you will have total anarchy...the key is to have a balance of both." But how can that be?
Good point. And I believe such a balance is possible.
Abstrakt said:
Sorry, but there has yet to be a true communist or socialist country,(china and russia are not 'true', they are fascist in practice) in theory communism/socialism makes absolute sense, but in practice there is always greed and the ego of man to deal with.....
No – They certainly weren’t fascist, either, even though the Soviet Union and Communist China can be described as totalitarian due to how the power was/is centralized (Both single-party states). It is advisable to study your terminology to to avoid mischaracterizations and sounding like DaytonFamily (
”Liberalism Is Fascism!”).
One of the fundamental flaws of Communism as theory is that it forgets the individual – If only people were as hard-working and self-sacrificing as, say, ants. Heh. Marx was greatly a product of his times, and it is hard to take his dialectics regarding Communism seriously in this day and age. Plus he succumbed to the number one sin of the materialistic worldview –
”Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.” - Frank Zappa