Should she be charged with murder?[

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Should she be charged with murder?

  • Yes. She should be charged with Murder

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • No. It's her body/her choice

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Lesser charge, such as Manslaughter/negligent homicide etc.

    Votes: 5 27.8%

  • Total voters
May 13, 2002
No Caesarean leads to murder charge
Thursday, March 11, 2004 Posted: 8:08 PM EST (0108 GMT)

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A pregnant woman who allegedly ignored medical warnings to have a Caesarean section to save her twins was charged Thursday with murder after one of the babies was stillborn.

Prosecutors said Melissa Ann Rowland, 28, didn't want the scars that accompany the surgery.

An autopsy found the baby died two days before its January 13 delivery and that it would have survived if Rowland had had a C-section when her doctors urged her to, between Christmas and January 9. The other baby is alive, but authorities had no further information. <---Rest of article.

Should she be charged with murder?

What about certain religious groups who refuse to take their children to the hospital because of their religious beliefs? How is this any different?

Should the government be allowed to force people into having operations and/or taking medications?
Dec 13, 2003
who cares...women kill their babies all day. i wish giving birth was a privilage...and ban women and men from procreating who dont meet certain critiera. that would solve a lot of problems.
Jul 24, 2002
Charged with murder.....No ,now if she went threw with the operation and had the baby and then killed it then yes hang the bitch..but i say no cause the baby hasent even seen the outside world yet...and plus its her nasty ass body she can choose if she wants to bring it into the world or not..that baby prolly would of came out all fucked up anyways seeing that it had cocaine and alchohol in it..that was probably the best thing to do,u dont want a baby to live a messed up life
Mar 10, 2004
I guess you could look at it two ways:

She shouldn't be charged with murder because she didnt actually kill the baby. She just failed to save it. Kind of like if you see someone drowning and you decide your not gonna save them because you don't wanna risk them pulling you down too. Actually in this case it would be more like not saving them because you don't wanna get your hair wet. But whatever the reason, I don't think someone would be sentenced to life in prison for that.

On the other hand, at that point in a pregnancy, I believe that babies have the same rights as any other citizen. You could say that instead of just failing to save the baby, the mother actually prevented the baby from being saved by someone else. Which would be helping to kill the baby. And that would warrant a life sentence.

But ya, I think they shoulda hit the bitch in the head with a bat, tied her to an operating table and done the c-section without giving her any anesthesia.
Feb 9, 2003
Another abortion thread. Regardless of religion, this bitch should be charged with murder and if proven to have commited it then she should be executed. Now i now some pussies will come here and tell me "you're a hypocrite, you believe in God yet want her to die?" blah blah blah EVERY ONE IS A HYPOCRITE (keep that in mind). bitch killed an innocent child she deserves the same.
Feb 9, 2003
That's irrelevant, the point im making is that religion should be left out of this arguement, since it will most likely be dragged into it somehow. secondly you said "people who enable the problem should not have an opinion." As I in no way proved to be a hypocrite (regarding the woman and her sentencing), aside from the fact that i called every one a hypocrite (including myself). We are are all hypocrites, but since i didnt kill a child then I guess I can have a say. Thirdly its not up to you to tell who can or cant have an opinion.
Feb 9, 2003
Hell yeah its murder. Murder can be described as the willful killing of another human being.
1) She knew the children would NOT survive less she have the operation
2) She willfully would not have the operation, there in killing her child. So that leaves out manslaughter. as you cannot say it was due to neglicence on her part and it was not an accident. Also there was "malice aforethought."
3) She had a motive: She didn't want to have the child for superficial reasons, a way to kill the child (not having the live saving operation), a chance to kill him (that chance was not accepting the fact that she had to have the operation in order to save him.)
4) This is just me assuming, since i dont think it said, but i guess the child was pretty much developed, and i am assuming if she wanted an abortion she wouldnt be able to have one as the child was already to old, so this isn't really a her body/her choice option. clearly she murdered, the child willfuly,.
Feb 9, 2003
If you charge the bitch then they may try and use the shit on abortion.
Abortion is murder (at least that is my opinion) but that should be set aside. Like I said, and this is an assumption because i cant prove anything either way, but the baby was developed. And I am assuming that he was in such a state of developement inside the womb that even abortion would not be legal. If she didn't want the child because she couldnt afford to keep it she could have left it in an orphanage or at a hospital. If she didnt want the child because she was afraid of a few stretchmarks she should be tried and hanged. :siccness:
May 13, 2002
I agree that what this (probably mentally ill) woman did was fucked up, but the real issue here is if or not the government can force someone into having an operation and also exactly what white devil said, "they may try and use the shit on abortion."