real $hit, that$ arouNd the time $hit got palyed out here, but everytime people waNNa deffeNd HYPHY like it$ doNe $o much 4 CHICANO RAP iN geNeral they luv to briNg up " ROMPED OUT NORTEÑO" a$ their defeN$e, like if that weak a$$ $oNg did aNythiNg 4 our movemeNt by $ayiNg cutthroat$ N X'4'$ a couple of time$ N $ayiNg X-I-V oN the begiNiNg, come oN, that$ oNe $oNg, it aiNt do $hit 4 the NortherN ChicaNo movemeNt, if it aiNt gettiNg u$ NOWHERE fa$t, whY fuck with it? yeah go $ell out, get hyphy N get paid N fuck the cau$e right? throw it all away 4 $Ome chump chaNge iN$tead of $triviNg hard to make thi$ NortherN ChicaNo Mu$ic $pread like a di$ea$e " homeboy$" rather $witch up N get paid thaN e$tabli$ all the NortherN homiez N come up a$ a whole $olid movemeNt