To keep it all the way 100, v nasty and kreashawn had to know that they would get this type of reaction. Like seriously. This whole use of the word "nigga" is super contriversial. U have to know that people are gonna fly off the handle about that shit.. cmon now, they gota realize that they are in the public eye now and that fame and notireity comes with this type of shit. It doest matter if your a white chick, tiger woods, bill clinton, the govenor, casey anthony or lil b. If u do or say some wild shit in the public eye, people are gona crucify your ass especially in the day and age of the internet and social media outlets.. I'm not defendin WGM or this random nigga from stl. But he has every right to go at them broads. If a white chik has the balls to say nigga, then she's gota expect all the heat that comes with it. I don't feel bad 4 v nasty and u shudnt either. Let's all jus keep it 100