Mother fuckers aint down to ride
What is up with this shit. Fuck what is happing to the North are we falling apart. Do we let scraps up north now. And it is not just the valley it is the bay to. I was on 18 ave of the mission district and seen about 17 scraps at a house party. Shit I thought I was going to see northern love.
Northern gangs do not recruit no more that why are northern high schools are filled with a gang of scraps
not trying to diss just having real talk
What is up with this shit. Fuck what is happing to the North are we falling apart. Do we let scraps up north now. And it is not just the valley it is the bay to. I was on 18 ave of the mission district and seen about 17 scraps at a house party. Shit I thought I was going to see northern love.
Northern gangs do not recruit no more that why are northern high schools are filled with a gang of scraps
not trying to diss just having real talk