see what you "hard core rappers" did?

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Feb 10, 2006
BUTCHER 206 said:
so you're saying theres a correlation between the amount of black people in a given area and the amount of crime there is? lmao. a place is only dangerous and grimey if there are a lot of blacks there? if lets say an entire city was black then that must be the hardest most dangerous city in the world right? lmao...

Im black myself and its a known fact that we do commit most of the homicides.I dont live in a fantasy world i live in reality.My city is 40% black and 80% of the homicide victims/perpatraters are black.Most of the rest are latino on latino murders. Like I said before,blacks are not natural criminals, but we are repressed,and this repression/poverty leads to higher crime rates in black areas.Any race would be the same way if they were in our situation.You see what happened when the irish and italian were repressed here in America,they commited hella crime,formed street gangs and had a high homicide rates. They were accepted as ''white'' eventually and with this came greater access to jobs,housing,etc and thus thier crime rates dropped.
Feb 10, 2006
xpanther206 said:
in the Milwaukee example you like to use (which is a damn good one), .

I use it as an example because Im black and from milwaukee,and I know this city better than I know any other.Whites are so racist here that it actually makes the south seem rosy, so I can see wha you mean.Milwaukee's black community is also more violent than alot of other cities(per capita),even some you listed as very hard, so I guess the harder the oppression the more fucked up in the head the people will be.If more people are working, then the less time they have to get in bullshit, and the more you have to loose the less likely you are to resort to violence over petty bullshit.
Feb 10, 2006
xpanther206 said:
blacks earn 48% the income of what whites earn .

The overwhelming majority of black men in Milwaukee are flat out unemployed(although most black women do have jobs), so I guess that figure comes from the blacks that actually have jobs. There are unemployed brothers that have thier own hustle (mechanics,barbers,macks,etc) thats not nessecerily illegal, but they cant be included because if you arent in the labor market nobody knows what you make.
Feb 10, 2006
BUTCHER 206 said:
sorry but i dont buy this load of bullshit. i dont know where you are getting these percentages and all of this history from but since i dont see any legitimate sources to back them up, then i think you're just making them up and you're full of shit. it sounds to me that if you were in a position to lower crime youd just send off all of the blacks to some other country. so your envision of a crimeless society would be one without blacks? man whatever you may want to say that you're black and its all this supposed oppression from the man thats causing crime but i think you're just a racist idiot who believes blacks are naturally criminal. our whole entire country is being oppressed by our own government on some war on terror shit and a lot of people are going into poverty... but the color of your skin doesnt justify you in killing someone... "oh its cool i killed him cause i was poor and black and my life is somewhat difficult, check the numbers im sure you'll see this is how its historically supposed to be"
I assure you im as black as they come. And I dont know where youre from, or what rock you have been hiding under, but the majority of homicides commited in the USA, at least in every city, are black on black.Everyone knows this except you.Whites are not oppressed, they have less than 5% unemployment compared to over 50% nationwide for black men.My envision for a crimeless society would be one without one greedy race oppressing others.Whites commit a high number of crimes too, the majority of this being discrimination (which according to US law post 1964 is illegal) but it goes mostly unpunished. As far as murder goes, its mostly us killing us and latinos killing latinos.
Feb 10, 2006
BUTCHER 206 said:
^^ heres comes some more randomly generated percentages to help back up your argument. wheres the sources? shit did you know utah was 73% muslim? did you know arizona is colder than 60 degrees 70% of the time? did you know oregon has only a .0001% crime rate? did you know washington dc is 95% korean? damn lets just keep making up percentages and hope people will believe us
Youre obviously white,and living in some fantasy land. Check the stats yourself for any city, and its not white men getting shot and killed on a daily, its primarily blacks, followed by latinos.
Feb 10, 2006
BUTCHER 206 said:
actually 99.8% of everybody killed in the united states is amish. seriously man, check the stats cause you must be living in a fuckin fantasy world if you dont know what im talking about. shit. 70% of those murders were committed with clubs. 80% of them were killed by canadian women. 15% of them were under the age of 20. the other 85% were between 20 and 22.

if blacks are being oppressed by whites... why are they killing other blacks? shouldnt they be killing white people.. who are supposedly oppressing them? im pretty sure the irish and italian stuck together pretty well and had their own sections of cities where they ran shit and the majority of the crime and murders werent against themselves...
Youre a complete idiot,and disconnected from reality.
Feb 1, 2006
loyalty7414 said:
Youre a complete idiot,and disconnected from reality.
co-sign! Butcher 206, If you dont understand white supremacy is a fact, I cant even talk to you. That isnt racist, thats reality. Maybe you are a youngster and will figure it out someday, but if not, I feel sorry for you. Or you are white yourself and deluding yourself.
Mar 16, 2005
xpanther206 said:
VERY HARD American Cities:
Gary IN, Richmond VA, Baltimore MD, Detroit MI, Camden NJ, Flint MI, Richmond CA, Washington DC, St. Louis MO, Newark NJ, New Orleans LA, Memphis TN, Compton CA, Dayton OH, Benton Harbor MI

HARD American Cities:
Kansas City MO/KS, Philadelphia PA, Atlanta GA, Oakland CA, Cleveland OH, Buffalo NY, Houston TX, Chicago IL, Hartford CT, Indianapolis IN, Peoria IL, Milwaukee WI

AVERAGE American Cities:
New York NY, Los Angeles CA, San Francisco CA, Seattle WA, San Diego CA, Sacramento CA, Boston MA, Portland OR

SAFE Cities:
San Jose CA, Anaheim CA, Vancouver BC, Toronto ON

There are a lot of cities that will shit on Seattle in a hardness contest, but there's also a lot of cities that will not (cities with more than their share of 'hard-core' rappers).

Think of Seattle like San Francisco, San Diego or Boston: A city that rich white people WANT to live in (as opposed to being scared to), a city where gentrification is becoming a major problem (places that once were hood are disappearing), where crime rates are very very modest, where there's lots of Asians and whites, not too many blacks etc.

I feel what you're saying Slowpoke b/c I have lived in the Midwest the last few years and the cities out there are WAY harder than Seattle but that's also true w/ most places in California too. If you're going to question what some of those Seattle rappers are doing then I'm going to have to do the same w/ anything coming out of Dago, Sac, and most of the Bay.

Are the dudes from Seattle lying??? I don't know the answer to that, maybe yes, maybe no. But then you've got to ask the exact same questions about people like Mitchy Slick, Luni Coleone, Brotha Lynch, Mob Figaz, Messy Marv, Jayo Felony, even some of the LA & Oakland dudes, b/c on the grand scale, the West is by far the softest spot in the USA.
Who is this clown?^^^^
The west is by far the softest????
Fuck outta here mayne, if you aint lived it, dont speak on it...real talk
Apr 25, 2002
$leepy said:
Who is this clown?^^^^
The west is by far the softest????
Fuck outta here mayne, if you aint lived it, dont speak on it...real talk
Just do some damn research man. Either do your homework or define "hard" and "soft" because the answer is dependent upon that.

I'd understand you better if you were actually from one of the 3 western cities that IS in the Top 25 for violent crime, but you're not.

Sacramento being such a landmark city for gangster rap, I guess that could be shaping your reaction. But similarly sized Midwestern & Southern cities have tallied up the 50 homicides Sacramento did in all of 2005 by May or June and end in the 100-130 range. Those are just the cold hard facts homie.
Apr 25, 2002
loyalty7414 said:
I use it as an example because Im black and from milwaukee,and I know this city better than I know any other.Whites are so racist here that it actually makes the south seem rosy, so I can see wha you mean.Milwaukee's black community is also more violent than alot of other cities(per capita),even some you listed as very hard, so I guess the harder the oppression the more fucked up in the head the people will be.If more people are working, then the less time they have to get in bullshit, and the more you have to loose the less likely you are to resort to violence over petty bullshit.
Loyalty you might be interested in this: This spring as part of a school thing, I created this model to quantify "racial status" in all 276 metro areas in America. It was a 7-piece index attempting to compare people of different races within their cities, and the output statistics essentially formed an argument for where racial polarization was EXTREME and where it was more MODERATE. The seven variables I used were income, poverty, education (college degree), education (HS degree), segregation, suburbanization & employment. It just ended up being a giant spreadsheet that I turned into a PowerPoint with tables and all that shit.

Milwaukee came out as #1 out of 276 cities for Black-White Polarization (and also #1 for overall racial polarization). Seattle came out #233 for Black-White Polarization (and #245 for overall polarization). Las Vegas was the only LARGE city that was suppposedly better for blacks than Seattle according to my model. The Midwest was far and away the region where the black-white gap was the highest and the West was the region where the black-white gap was the lowest.

This is far from the first time I've seen the Mill-Town come out #1 on a statistical analysis of racial (particularly black). You know all of this I'm sure. The city I lived in the last four years (Minneapolis-St. Paul) actually came out right behind Milwaukee. So between there and Seattle I've lived in an EXTREMELY polarized city and a MODERATELY polarized city, and spotting the differences is pretty easy.
Feb 10, 2006
xpanther206 said:
Loyalty you might be interested in this: This spring as part of a school thing, I created this model to quantify "racial status" in all 276 metro areas in America. It was a 7-piece index attempting to compare people of different races within their cities, and the output statistics essentially formed an argument for where racial polarization was EXTREME and where it was more MODERATE. The seven variables I used were income, poverty, education (college degree), education (HS degree), segregation, suburbanization & employment. It just ended up being a giant spreadsheet that I turned into a PowerPoint with tables and all that shit.

Milwaukee came out as #1 out of 276 cities for Black-White Polarization (and also #1 for overall racial polarization). Seattle came out #233 for Black-White Polarization (and #245 for overall polarization). Las Vegas was the only LARGE city that was suppposedly better for blacks than Seattle according to my model. The Midwest was far and away the region where the black-white gap was the highest and the West was the region where the black-white gap was the lowest.

This is far from the first time I've seen the Mill-Town come out #1 on a statistical analysis of racial (particularly black). You know all of this I'm sure. The city I lived in the last four years (Minneapolis-St. Paul) actually came out right behind Milwaukee. So between there and Seattle I've lived in an EXTREMELY polarized city and a MODERATELY polarized city, and spotting the differences is pretty easy.
Some of these cats, esp from San Diego, seem to think its sweet out here.My cousin joined the military and was stationed in San diego and he said its a ''paradise'' ( his exact words) when compared to here.If they (them san diego cats)stayed in Milwaukee for one day they would be running thier ass back to cali thanking god they dont have to live in this damn near jobless, aparthied like hell hole.You want to see ''urban survival syndrome''come to Milwaukee.Im not saying its sweet out there for niggas, but its sweeter than here.

Ecay Uno would shit in his pants in the ghettos of Milwaukee,and then he would understand why he sounded so stupid on his album.Extreme segragation,sky high unemployment,trash in the streets, hypes walking around like zombies,filthy allies with old matresses and furniture laying around,broken glass and dead,ran over rats rotting,niggas out posted doing what they do,liquor stores in every direction,bad ass kids running wild,drug houses on every block, daily shootings,beatings,robberies and homicides,borded up abandoned houses, half burnt down houses,rival cliques/mobs within blocks of each other capping at each other on a regular basis,etc

Its a living hell being a black man in milwaukee.No jobs in the city, so if you have a car, you have to look for jobs in the suburbs and other counties.If youre 'lucky' enough to get a job, then you will be working with bigoted,racist whites.And you will be underemployed.Even niggas with jobs have to do some kind of side hustle just to make it.

Then you have to deal with your own kind,because this city basically makes you a criminal, and you will get robbed in a heartbeat for whatever you have.

If you come to Milwaukee, get your steel triggas ready.Be flashy if you want, but dont be surprised when you get pistols aimed at you demanding your shit.Some of these niggas will kill you first and then take your shit,not even giving you a chance to break yourself.Niggas are ruthless and savage in the Mil,driven to this point by poverty and joblessness.
Nov 7, 2002
BUTCHER 206 said:
^^ heres comes some more randomly generated percentages to help back up your argument. wheres the sources? shit did you know utah was 73% muslim? did you know arizona is colder than 60 degrees 70% of the time? did you know oregon has only a .0001% crime rate? did you know washington dc is 95% korean? damn lets just keep making up percentages and hope people will believe us
a lil know fact 89% of slowpoke' s post are mispelled and misunderstanded
Feb 1, 2006
BUTCHER 206 said:
all i know is the every white person i know isnt doing that good, so if you're saying whites are at some advantage well then fuck im half white, where do i sign up for this shit?
Damn! Your white parent did you wrong not hooking you up with the Euro-Coupon Program. You didn't know? White people get these coupons reedeemable for benefits, like the 'cop dont shoot me' coupon, the 'teacher pay attention to me' coupon, and the 'hire me, i remind you of you' coupon, 'rent this house to me without doing a credit check' coupon, the 'give me a mortgage right now so I can buy this house' coupon and the 'judge, give me probation instead of jail' coupon. You seriously dont have those? Tuck your shirt in, start listening to U2, put jel in your hair and log on immediately to: right now!!!


Naw, man, sorry I went hard on you earlier, and I get where you are coming from -- this country is truly going to shit when even 'white' folks have a tough time coming up.....

One love -- B
Apr 14, 2003
Sketchy B said:
Damn! Your white parent did you wrong not hooking you up with the Euro-Coupon Program. You didn't know? White people get these coupons reedeemable for benefits, like the 'cop dont shoot me' coupon, the 'teacher pay attention to me' coupon, and the 'hire me, i remind you of you' coupon, 'rent this house to me without doing a credit check' coupon, the 'give me a mortgage right now so I can buy this house' coupon and the 'judge, give me probation instead of jail' coupon. You seriously dont have those? Tuck your shirt in, start listening to U2, put jel in your hair and log on immediately to: right now!!!

One love -- B
shit I never got those coupons. lol....


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Did someone seriously list DAYTON OHIO as a hard city? Jesus fucking Christ. Try going there...or anywhere in Ohio really.

Here's the thing. You can go ANYWHERE and find dirt going on. Does that make a city HARD? No. Every city and town has dirt going on in it, so what qualifies a place as being hard? Having the most amount of gangs according to some GOVERNMENT web site or survey? Or maybe it's the murder #'s? Cause not ALL murders are done by HARD people or gang members or people that even WANT to kill.

I didn't read the other thread, but I will later, maybe....but come on....There's even dirt goin on in Spokane, Yakima, and Ellensburg. Just because they aren't stereotyped as hard places doesn't mean they aren't or that they are boring and murders and dirt doesn't happen.

Until people go to the places they talk about, they shouldn't say shit. Until you see it, you don't know.
May 6, 2002
loyalty7414 said:
Extreme segragation,sky high unemployment,trash in the streets, hypes walking around like zombies,filthy allies with old matresses and furniture laying around,broken glass and dead,ran over rats rotting,niggas out posted doing what they do,liquor stores in every direction,bad ass kids running wild,drug houses on every block, daily shootings,beatings,robberies and homicides,borded up abandoned houses, half burnt down houses,rival cliques/mobs within blocks of each other capping at each other on a regular basis,etc
u just described damn near every hood in america..