KleanKut said:
. Hpowever they said they had a "race relations" class cut OH MY GOD!!! NOT THE RACE RELATIONS CLASS!!!!!!! .
when i was in basic at ft. leonard wood in missouri, we had a briefing on race relations that went like this. let me try and paint this picture for you. we were all in a cafeteria like environment all seated at the position of attention (heels together,feet at 45 degree angle, hands on top of thighs,back straight). theres drill sergeants all around us and one drill sergeant on stage thats doing the briefing. (keep in mind we dont know what this class is about) also keep in mind that this is the second week of basic so were all being treated like straight shit still.
all the sudden the drill sergeant screams out loud to a black private "Hey homey! why dont you try and sit at the position of attention! this aint the hood homeboy! matter of fact im sick of your black ass always standin' around with all the other "niggas" in this unit. tell you what! I want all the african americans to to stand your black asses up and go to the back of the room and stand around in a circle and hang out like youre back on the block at home."
at this point i glanced around at the black guys and i saw pure fucking hatred in their eyes as they slowly started getting up. then all the other drill sergeants chime in and start yelling for them to hurry up and one yelled to a black private "hury up and get to the back with the rest of the niggers!"
then the drill sergeant looks at a puerto rican private and yells "hey wetback! how did you get in the army?" then the drill sergeant asks another drill sergeant " they let spics in the army now? we must be really hurtin' for soldiers!" and starts laughing.
then he points to a female private and asks "why'd you join the military sweetie?" and before she could answer he cuts her off with "Oh I know, so you could whore around with all these horny male privates and get pregnant? tell you what sweetheart, why dont you and the rest of the females go stand in the corner with your face to the wall like a good girl!"
pure chaos man im telling you, i never felt so enraged in my life at what was going on because there was nothing you could do at that point because you couldnt disobey a direct order, they take that shit serious. now keep in mind there were black,white,mexican,and female drill sergeants all in that room. and after we were all seperated they asked us how we all felt and it was clear we were all upset, and then they explained that being a team meant you couldnt be racist/sexist etc...
just thought i'd share that with you guys. peace