Well, considering naturally brown skin doesn't turn red like a white person's, I think that's why they call it "red neck."
The other thing with the Mexican population is that a lot of them are migrant workers, or they come up for a season and then go back to Mexico to be with their family. But the people that vote, and pretty much make things conservative, are predominately white, which is what I was getting at.
Yakima is actually not that great of a place...Not tryin to knock it, but I think even Ellensburg is better--even if it's smaller...There's too many fuckin tweekers in Eastern Washington though....too many tweekers in general....lock your car no matter where you live...lol...my homey got jacked for his system along with like 10 other neighbors that got robbed, in one night, over a period of about an hour.
Panther, I do think though that if more of the Mexican population started to vote, things would be different. I've talked to the head of the Republican committee out here, and they don't give a shit about them honestly...as far as money, yes...but special interests, fuck no. The only thing most of them (politicians in E. Wash) care about is making farmers happy. They vote, they have money, they can make a big deal out of shit and cause problems....so they get taken care of first.....but that's another thread, let me shut up.