already dead. said:
Actually fools get stuck on the daily. There are fistfights but you see stabbings and shootings alot more. They don't throw down with fists alot, I can back this up. I'm not sayin someone gets blasted every day or shit like that, but mostly they fuck with knives and guns. A couple SFM homies got their mongols cut cause Surenos would get from behind grab em by it and shank em.
Also knives would make more sense in the Mission which usually has alot of street're more likely to hit bystanders. Yes there are fools who will pop off and give a fuck who it hits, but it's not straight up ghetto, theres lots of white people walkin around shopping and shit, and u know if bystanders started getting gunned down left and right the puercas would increase presence and be all over that shit.