School Shootings

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Nov 21, 2005
Wasn’t going to granite hills at the time but was on campus to kick it with my brother and now ex wife. Kid had problems; everybody knew it and things were said to the proper people. Nothing was done.

Was pulling out of the parking lot after lunch, heard the shots drove up over the curb and back into the senior parking lot by the gym. Tried to get out of the explorer I was driving but was met by a cop with a vest with a gun pointed at my head. Told me why are you trying to leave, I said im trying to get back on campus my brothers in class. Was led off campus by said police to Kennedy Park at gun point. Still got a old vhs from a news cast where the news 8 chopper got a view of the cop pointing the gun at my SUV.

Shit was interesting, campus cop was considered a hero when he was really ducking into the principal's office and only shot because he was being shot at.

People need to chill, to many trying to put down everybody who different. Well now cats got access to guns.


Oct 21, 2002
I was a sophmore in HS when Columbine happened and the next day the police called two of my friends down to the office to talk with police because their last names are Harris (One of the shooters names was Eric Harris).

I know that not all the info is in yet, but from what I've read the guy in yesterday's shooting was asian and was in the states on a visa from China. So I don't think the whole "US has problems" thing can apply. Unless this is false, which I wouldn't be surprised of, in that case I think a good explanation for the college shootings would be stress.
Apr 22, 2006
Syko Sniper said:
The question that needs to be asked, is why does this happen more in USA?
It could be that the US has a very high mental illness rate, compared to a lot of other countries, especially amongst young people. Also the number of people who got access to guns here as well. And I'm sure there's other factors involved too.
Aug 8, 2003
i cant find the article but i heard that too.. i think dood told his girlfriend while they were arguing he was gonna pull a virgina tech and she called the police LOLL

but anyway, this is the reason why i am pro-gun.. if the students or faculty had their own firearms this shit would have ended with less fatalities.... the neo-liberal stance of taking away the firearm from people who are sane enough and trained to carry is moronic at best because unless a gun is no longer gonna be manufactured PERIOD its still available regardless.. which will only empower those who are gonna get their hands on em anyway.

edit: found it..
Mar 26, 2006
Carnage said:
It could be that the US has a very high mental illness rate, compared to a lot of other countries, especially amongst young people. Also the number of people who got access to guns here as well. And I'm sure there's other factors involved too.

So how can this be avoided in future?
Jun 19, 2004
Syko Sniper said:

So how can this be avoided in future?
This can never be avoided, like some goverment offical said "You cannot prevent random acts of violence."

Do you know what it feels like to be humiliated and be impaled upon on a cross? And left to bleed to death for your amusement? You have never felt a single ounce of pain your whole life. Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can just because you can?
This is a quote from here:

Is he talking about jews?
May 13, 2002
TROLL said:
i cant find the article but i heard that too.. i think dood told his girlfriend while they were arguing he was gonna pull a virgina tech and she called the police LOLL

but anyway, this is the reason why i am pro-gun.. if the students or faculty had their own firearms this shit would have ended with less fatalities.... the neo-liberal stance of taking away the firearm from people who are sane enough and trained to carry is moronic at best because unless a gun is no longer gonna be manufactured PERIOD its still available regardless.. which will only empower those who are gonna get their hands on em anyway.

edit: found it..
Why would teachers and students be strapped? Schools are a place to learn not a shooting range. A Math Professor is not going to have a Desert Eagle tucked in his pants. If any laws were different I don't believe it would have made a difference.

If anything there should be more/better school police/security on campus. But don't say "if the faculty and students had firearms" because it's not their responsibility to all be Charleston Heston's while on campus carrying various's a freakin school.

PS, I am pro gun but not because I believe it will prevent things like this but because 1). It's our right to do so and 2). I believe the masses need to be armed to one day lead a revolution
Aug 8, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
Why would teachers and students be strapped? Schools are a place to learn not a shooting range. A Math Professor is not going to have a Desert Eagle tucked in his pants. If any laws were different I don't believe it would have made a difference.
Of course its not a shooting range, its a place to learn..but thats just stating the obvious, but like with many places has its vulnerablilities.. especially with a campus because u have to take into account response time, and in this case the total break down in security protocol.. (not telling the students what happend especially if the gunman is a suspect that is probably on the grounds)

but i figure if they had a strict screening of the students who you know, go hunting or may even do security work and take a course in firearms, they would be allowed to posses an unloaded firearm. out of the 30+ peeps that died one of em may have at least stopped the gunman before he reached the number he did..

2-0-Sixx said:
If anything there should be more/better school police/security on campus. But don't say "if the faculty and students had firearms" because it's not their responsibility to all be Charleston Heston's while on campus carrying various's a freakin school.
yes, a place of learning, why not train people how to use it instead of be afraid of it?? they dont have to be chareston Heston if they dont want, it should be a choice, not a requirement..

2-0-Sixx said:
PS, I am pro gun but not because I believe it will prevent things like this but because 1). It's our right to do so and 2). I believe the masses need to be armed to one day lead a revolution
trust me, you wont get any argument from me bout either of those lol :cool:
but i think we both know theres gonna be anti-gun rhetoric spewed all over the place and they are gonna limit the right for us to carry and then not much longer, posses.. i say we counter the pre-conditioning thats about to commence.


Apr 25, 2002
nhojsmith said:
many small changes could have averted this tragedy. i think this incident was a failure on almost every level of society: from the authorities not paying attention to multiple warnings about this guy from multiple sources in the eyars prior, the fact that a person delcared mentally ill could buy a gun, his stalking behavior, the fact that the cops and school admins that didnt lock down the school or even tell anyone about the first 2 murders until AFTER he goes and kills 30 more and the whole thing is over, the society that creates a person like this, or is it in these times of tragedy when we need strength that we decide to deny societies role in the people it produces?

we talk about it so much on the GOM how people are ultimately products of an environment. simple saying that this guy was "sick" or "twisted" while obviously true, takes the responsibility off of the society that produced him, and this shifts our minds off reasons that this happened, society is in absolute denial that it had anything to do with this. of course this guy is the one who pulled the trigger, but many things were in play. just listen to the reports and the interviews..."this is unbelievable" is it? or is it in fact very believable and has been occurring more frequently? "we will never understand why this happened" really? this guy sent in everything needed to understand why it happened, he explains at length, and what do the cops say "we feel it was a mistake to air those videos to the public" and they still havent released all of the information. the people who picked on him can just say "oh he was sick anyways", the school teachers can say "oh there wasnt anything i could do about it", because ultimately this makes them feel better about themselves. im sure many people feel tremendous guilt but are being told and reassured "there is nothing anyone could have done". this is blatantly false and proves that we as a society are not willing to learn anything from these events or accept our collective responsibility. no no, instead, just chalk it up to another "crazy" guy call it "inexplicable" and sit around praying that it doesnt happen again. im almost laughed when i read the other post saying this was a "random act of violence". there was nothing random about this! but obviously telling yourself lies and claiming this was unavoidable is what gets people thorugh this, that is a dire tragedy in itself. and so the fact that 32 people were murdered is obviously not the only tragedy highlighted in the actions prior and after something like this....
This is the VERY reason why I said "Why shouldn't it happen in america"
Feb 8, 2006
nhojsmith said:
many small changes could have averted this tragedy. i think this incident was a failure on almost every level of society: from the authorities not paying attention to multiple warnings about this guy from multiple sources in the eyars prior, the fact that a person delcared mentally ill could buy a gun, his stalking behavior, the fact that the cops and school admins that didnt lock down the school or even tell anyone about the first 2 murders until AFTER he goes and kills 30 more and the whole thing is over, the society that creates a person like this, or is it in these times of tragedy when we need strength that we decide to deny societies role in the people it produces?

we talk about it so much on the GOM how people are ultimately products of an environment. simple saying that this guy was "sick" or "twisted" while obviously true, takes the responsibility off of the society that produced him, and this shifts our minds off reasons that this happened, society is in absolute denial that it had anything to do with this. of course this guy is the one who pulled the trigger, but many things were in play. just listen to the reports and the interviews..."this is unbelievable" is it? or is it in fact very believable and has been occurring more frequently? "we will never understand why this happened" really? this guy sent in everything needed to understand why it happened, he explains at length, and what do the cops say "we feel it was a mistake to air those videos to the public" and they still havent released all of the information. the people who picked on him can just say "oh he was sick anyways", the school teachers can say "oh there wasnt anything i could do about it", because ultimately this makes them feel better about themselves. im sure many people feel tremendous guilt but are being told and reassured "there is nothing anyone could have done". this is blatantly false and proves that we as a society are not willing to learn anything from these events or accept our collective responsibility. no no, instead, just chalk it up to another "crazy" guy call it "inexplicable" and sit around praying that it doesnt happen again. im almost laughed when i read the other post saying this was a "random act of violence". there was nothing random about this! but obviously telling yourself lies and claiming this was unavoidable is what gets people thorugh this, that is a dire tragedy in itself. and so the fact that 32 people were murdered is obviously not the only tragedy highlighted in the actions prior and after something like this....
The school handled it poorly, mental heatlh should be checked before guns are purchased, I agree with. Beyond that, imagine how many more people are still out there exactly like him. What do you suggest to help them?