CZAR said:
I dont give a damn about the AP votes!!
in other words it aint for all the marbles..regardless you would think lsu didnt get into the sugar bowl,when you go the michigan football message board,there's dozens, i mean 90% of the shit on there,is lsu fans begging michigan to beat sc in the rose bowl,for they could be the undisputed champions..its funny as hell,obviously the ap vote bothers them..let me give you some sample's of threads posted
Hi,LSU fan here. I really hope your team beats the snot out of USC .
I used to think I liked USC...The past glory days, and I guess all the media hype got me.
Man, these USC people are some of the most snobby, arrogant people I have ever come across. Reality also seems to escape many of them...they do live in California, so I shouldn't be surprised.
Go Wolverines!
Hey Michigan ,We need your help. Knock off USC so that when LSU wins against OU we will have the undiputed NC.
LSU Fans
Shut these babies up. They are already talking like they have beaten Michigan. I would have liked to have seen if USC had played ya'lls schedule or in the BIG 10, Big 12, and SEC. You know what is funny is that Michigan will probably have more fans in LA for the Rose Bowl, hell USC only had 72,000 for oregon st. with a national title on the line, talk about real pride. Also is there any recent talk of Big 10 getting another team added?
Good Luck, and show the puss 10 what real football is all about.
This from an LSU Fan.
Man you guys are slowly becoming the second favorite team in LA. First you guys knock off ohio state to get us into the NC game and now yall will probably take down usc to give us a shot at being undisputed NC. Plus chris perry is the man and i think he or fitzgerled should get the hiesman.
GEAUX Tigers!
please please pound usc (university of spoiled children). i am sick of hearing them with their excuses. they play in a nobody conference. please, kill them ..LSUTigah
You guys need to win to put this controversy crap to rest once and for all. I will be pulling for the wolverines in the Rose Bowl.
Geaux Tigers
You guys need to hand it to USC. Expose the fraud that is the Pac-10, and represent! Plus, does it tick you off Pete Carrol is talking a split national championship so fluently, as if beating UM is a given. Beat them so we don't have to listen to the foo-foo Pac-10ers whine all off-season.
Lsu fan