yeah the guy that started this is the same guy that said The Game would be getting slapped and spit on. I'm pretty sure he's using a bunch of other names in this same thread trying to push this rumor (a quick IP check on all the posts in this thread would prove that real quick)...
if this thread is fake then the rumor starter should get beat down. and if this thread is real then my prayers are with mousie and his family. im kinda confused. this is a shitty rumor to start bro. god dont like ugly.
yeah the guy that started this is the same guy that said The Game would be getting slapped and spit on. I'm pretty sure he's using a bunch of other names in this same thread trying to push this rumor (a quick IP check on all the posts in this thread would prove that real quick)...
yeah the guy that started this is the same guy that said The Game would be getting slapped and spit on. I'm pretty sure he's using a bunch of other names in this same thread trying to push this rumor (a quick IP check on all the posts in this thread would prove that real quick)...
2bad u wrong suck i think u da 1 that should get slapped and spit on by every 1 in here, n if u r real smart y dont u check da ip numberas yoself stupid, n maybe we should ban yo dumb ass 4 sayin this