Sav it out vol.5

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Jan 7, 2014
"It goes down" prolly my fav track. That beat to
"Said biatch" is a strait rattler though.. Sounds like
Something mac dre would have been on back in the day
The homie dee Cisneros went hard on his verse
In "sav it out mob" also .. All around I enjoy the shit
Outta This cd~ been slappin it 25/8
Apr 16, 2003
Just listened to the album front to back on Google Music. Pretty solid album.

- The kickbacks to old songs or "samples" were well done.
- The female vocalist was really good. Good voice, nothing was way over sang like I usually hear.

Mr G

Drunk Pot-Head
Apr 4, 2007
Las Vegas
My go to song is the one wit kee and san quinn. Its a real big budget feel but i hope he put it together pretty cheap cuz it only caters to the bay and he gots the bay already. Workin with those who you are a great fan of is coo but next time it would be dope for him to cash out some equal under ground grinders from different regions for the,same or slightly lower price. like i said tho, this late in his career he is the most successful and recognized northerner artist the bay artists gotta see a benefit in reaffirming there local homie market.

Examples who my drunk azz thinks charge in the same ball park and would generate more sales
Nipsey hussle, problem, boosie bad azz, freddie gibbs, trae the truth, etc.. Obviously who ever he fucks wit as fan or could hear himself with..


Im Gay until I log back in
Oct 30, 2008
Gilaz with Track Killa and Vince
My go to song is the one wit kee and san quinn. Its a real big budget feel but i hope he put it together pretty cheap cuz it only caters to the bay and he gots the bay already. Workin with those who you are a great fan of is coo but next time it would be dope for him to cash out some equal under ground grinders from different regions for the,same or slightly lower price. like i said tho, this late in his career he is the most successful and recognized northerner artist the bay artists gotta see a benefit in reaffirming there local homie market.

Examples who my drunk azz thinks charge in the same ball park and would generate more sales
Nipsey hussle, problem, boosie bad azz, freddie gibbs, trae the truth, etc.. Obviously who ever he fucks wit as fan or could hear himself with..
Lol at Boosie Bad Azz being in the same price range. You really were drunk typing this
Jun 5, 2004
No davina on this one and the singing was bettrr than usual... Coincidence? Idk but i also noticed on "bitch" it sounded like stevie joe said somethin like "ass like selena, face like davina" but they bleeped out the last word. I wonder whats up with that?

Well... The answer is revealed on the sav-it-out dvd that comes on the sav-it-out 5 cd. It comes on the actual cd. But in order to unglue the dvd from the cd, you must arrive at the bunker at 1414 latitude, 1414 longitude at 14:00 hours to obtain a knife from big tone... Then you must sacrifice a drop of blood from four fingers and rub it into the cd... And if you truely have the blood of a real gangster, then Lil Los will smell it and will become blood brothers with you. And only then will it reveal what you are looking for.

...which is a secret layer of the disc that reveals a digital code for plane tickets and a map. Once you arrive in Hawaii, paddleboat 14 miles out to the island shown on the map. Konu will then bring you 14 oz of his secret coconut juice, which you just pour on the dvd to make it watchable.
Oct 3, 2006
Kinda late on this since I just purchased this off of Amazon, but its pretty good. Too much samplings done by Kev knocks though. I would have wanted this to sound more original.
Apr 16, 2003
Shit can't believe this came out in August. This surprises me because it's hard to stay on my rotation longer than a month unless there is something timeless about a track or its a classic. I've had 3 tracks on my daily playlist since the beginning. Waist Deep, It Goes Down, and 365.