TODAY: 3/18/2006
LIVE! Ongoing match-by-match coverage of this evening’s Saturday Night’s Main Event TV special @ 9:46 pm
Welcome to our live ongoing coverage of this evening’s Saturday Night’s Main Event special on NBC - the first time the show has aired since 1992!
Tonight’s show in Detroit, MI is going out on a 30-minute tape delay, and our coverage will be in line with what is aired on TV.
If you’re at tonight’s show, or to send us feedback on our coverage of the show, what you thought of the show or to talk about anything else wrestling related, get in touch by emailing
[email protected]!
A package of pre-recorded comments by some of those involved in tonight’s show kicks off the show before we cut to ringside with a returning Jim Ross alongside Jerry Lawler and Tazz. As we reported earlier this evening, tonight’s 2-hour special is to be opened as follows:
RAW vs Smackdown WrestleMania 22 Main Event Handicap Match:
John Cena & Triple H vs Kurt Angle, Randy Orton & Rey Mysterio
Triple H on curtain jerking duties? Mark that in your diaries, folks!
Orton is back to his old entrance music - hopefully the disasterpiece ( © Heidenreich) used last week on Smackdown! has been dumped for good. They’ve got a great looking set for the show, although the pyros used during the opening credits and for the entrances of Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio mean that the arena is a little cloudy right now.
Another anti-Cena crowd tonight, but not to the levels we’ve seen elsewhere in recent weeks and months. Some great chemistry shown between Triple H and Rey Mysterio during the match which pumped the crowd until Cena was tagged in to a chorus of boos. Cena hit the FU on Orton but Triple H broke up the pin and gave Cena the pedigree. Triple H then dragged Orton on top of Cena for the pin which Mysterio broke up. Triple H then pedigreed Rey Mysterio with another pin attempt being blocked. Orton hit the RKO on Angle then went for one on Cena who blocked it and rolled Orton up for the pin as Triple H looked on in shock.
Your winners: John Cena & Triple H
After being treated to a run down of the individuals being inducted into this year’s pre-WrestleMania Hall of Fame, we cut backstage to see Booker T in pain. After medical advice, Teddy Long cancels Booker’s match tonight with The Boogeyman. Booker T limps off smiling.
The Cutting Edge
Special Guest: Mick Foley
Edge runs down Mick Foley, stating he’s no longer a Hardcore Legend and is now a cuddly Teddy Bear who dances around the ring with a sock puppet on his hand. Foley’s music hits and he hits the ring with a bag of thumbtacks in tow. As he enters the ring, Edge sets a table on fire in the middle of the ring. A crew guy puts out the fire as Foley attacks Edge and lays him out, allowing him to spread the thumbtacks in the ring. Foley comes off the ropes to attack Edge but Lita cheapshots him, allowing Edge to throw Foley into the thumbtacks.
Foley gets up, smiling as thumbtacks cover his face and body. He chases Edge up the ramp and lays him out with a chairshot before nailing him with a one-man ‘conchairto’ and leaving to a huge pop.
A video package showing the history between Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels was shown.
Backstage, Booker T and Sharmell were shown in their locker room laughing and dancing. All of a sudden the lights turned red and Boogeyman jung down from the ceiling behind them. They screamed and ran off, running past a puzzled Teddy Long, who was talking with Carlito (which will no doubt be unmentioned).
Beer Drinking Contest
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs JBL
JBL cut a promo in the ring behind a table stacked with beers, running down the City of Detroit, it’s sports teams and it’s businesses losing jobs to overseas. He guaranteed a win at WrestleMania 22 over Chris Benoit for the US Title but was then interrupted by Steve Austin, who came out to a huge ovation.
Austin and JBL spent a few minutes trading insults before they turned back to back for a minute long beer drinking contest. JBL cheated and poured each glass of beer down his shirt, which Austin caught him doing. JBL threw beer in his face and ran out of the ring but Chris Benoit ran to ringside and tossed JBL back into the ring where Austin poured all the remaining beer over him, drenching him completely. Austin then gave him the Stunner, leaving JBL in the middle of the ring. Really disappointing segment considering how both are more than capable on the mic.
Trish Stratus & Mickie James vs Victoria & Candice Michelle
Not so long ago, Trish and Victoria were tearing the house down regularly inside a WWE ring, putting on excellent matches on TV and on PPV alongside the likes of Molly Holly. In 2006, Victoria is nothing more than a jobber, and although Trish and Mickie James have put on a great storyline over the past few months, the women’s division is a mess. Candice Michelle’s ability to turn in a full circle and take her clothes off is apparently enough reason to give him a push, and the likes of Torrie Wilson and Ashley Massaro continue to be in employment with WWE without actually doing anything that adds to WWE programming.
This match was all built around pulling the trigger on Mickie James’ heel turn, which happened post-match. Trish pinned Victoria for the pin in around three minutes, which led to Mickie James taking the mic to say goodbye to Trish. She tried to kiss her and ended up giving Trish her own ‘Chick Kick’ move, laying her out in the ring.
So far, this show has felt like a normal edition of RAW rather than anything special. Also, Tazz on commentary has barely said a word.
They ran down the card for WrestleMania 22, with Booker T vs The Boogeyman being announced for the PPV.
Mark Henry called out The Undertaker in the ring. ‘Taker’s music played and druids carried a casket to the ring, followed by ‘Taker himself. Quite a risk by WWE to book this segment on a show where a lot of the audience likely very rarely watch pro wrestling, and likely would respond more favourable to say a cruiserweight style match. Henry and Undertaker got straight into a fight which the crowd popped for as Undertaker took it straight to Henry and beat him outside the ring before chokeslamming Daivari onto the casket and following it up with a Tombstone piledriver on top of the casket.
Shawn Michaels was shown preparing for tonight’s main event, which is up next.
Street Fight
Shawn Michaels vs Shane McMahon
With Vince looking on, they went right at it from the minute Shane appeared on the stage. This match was always going to involve some crazy spots, and within a couple of minutes after some brawling on the rampway and at ringside they set up an insane bump that saw Shawn Michaels superplex Shane off the top of a ladder through two tables on the outside of the ring. Insane.
We return from the final commercials of the evening to see Michaels laying out Shane with a right fist in the ring as both struggle to get the upper hand. Michaels climbed the turnbuckles and then a ladder but Vince interfered and hit him with a kendo stick to send him crashing into the ring. Shane - now sporting the result of some shots to the face - then nailed Michaels several times with the ladder across his back.
Michaels tried to make his comeback but came off the ropes and ran straight into a DDT for another near fall, which Shane followed up with a chairshot to the head. Vince then held Michaels in the corner with a trashcan in front of him as Shane went to the top rope to go Coast-to-Coast but Michaels rolled out of the way, resulting in Vince being knocked out by the trashcan as Shane came off the top rope.
Michaels made his comeback and nailed Shane with a superkick but as Michaels made the cover, Vince interrupted the pin and tossed the referee to the outside. An irate Michaels dragged Vince into the ring who was saved by Shane giving Michaels a low blow. Shane then applied the Sharpshooter on Michaels with Vince calling for the bell even though Michaels did not tap out as they ended the first Saturday Night’s Main Event on NBC in over thirteen years by re-creating the Survivor Series 1997 incident. Vince made Lilian Garcia announce that Shane had won via submission, with Vince talking trash to Michaels as the show came to an end.