Yeah Baby Dean, that fat chick get's physical Zer0... She does hair, babysits, has a music studio, night club and sells drugs outta the same house... The police dont know when to kick the door in... Ha, ha...
You don't know Baby DeanAllmight like I know Baby Dean, that's why you looking at me like that Zer0. I met her in Columbia at the Tech show, I was sitting in my truck listening to some beats, I looked over by the boxtruck and saw her. She was eating a Carl Jr. burger and I wanted a piece. So I went over there to get some, we started rappin' and that's how it happened... She had a little pudge in her belly, but I didn't think nothing about it cause I thought that it was from drinking cause she had a lil' 151 on her breath... Now she six months pregnant and she said it's mine. It was the worst day of my fuckin' life...