San Dago II Germany !!

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Apr 25, 2002
mb3 knows more about REAL underground rap than you would think.more than most americans for the clowning all germans may be alright when your speaking about the majority of them cause mb3 caps on them too.but you can't speak for all cause i know mb3 personaly.
Feb 7, 2003
SnakeEyez said:
ya'll germans are fuckin losers. i had to spent the last eleven years of my life in this shit and all i can say is, that ya'll are some fuckin fakes. first ya'll laugh about rap and then ya'll copy it. ya'll change your music taste like peeps change their underwear. ya'll straight comedy. germans and rap match togehter like chocolate cream and sawerkraut. few years ago those fools didn't even know what baggy jeans are and now they think they is 'REAL' ,cause they be listening to some underground rap, that ain't even underground no more. ya'll some fuckin faggs. but i thank ya'll fools for makin our garbage mainstream rappers rich, by spending your hard earned 'euros' for their bullshit. we laugh about ya'll bitchmade faggots. ya'll so ridiculous. when i was younger, germans used to call me a fuckin american, cause they hated us. they used to call rap 'jungle music'. and a few years later,all of a sudden those same fools started to listen to rapmusic.germans are some fuckin copycats, that's what they are.
fake like some silicon tits. YA'LL SOME RIDICULOUS BASTARDS!!!!!!
*HAHAHAHHAAAAHAAA* `` tha fuck´z wrong homey???? *loooool* calm tha fuck down & don hatin on germanz.
& homey stop talkin dat bullshit cuz u foolish azz know nuttin about Germany. Um frum Germany but ain´t NO german .. so I don realy care wutchu muffuckka talkin bout ..
But let me tell u kiddy hoe sumtin .. Germany standz 4 hip hop / reppin hip hop shit 2 tha fullez no matter which - fuckin - language.
Okey homey uma agree witcha / a few yearz ago .. tha hip hop szene wuz hella fucked up BUT NoooOWWW .. can´t fuck wit it
itz too big. Can call uz "Tru Hip Hop Headz" ..
but fuck it homey I dunn giva fuck wutchu lil daym hoe azz iz thinkin bout uz! I juzt wanted ta say.
Mar 14, 2003
lol i knew ya'll would start yappin over this shit but that wasn't even my intention. my only goal is to reveal how fake ya'll germans really are. im just tellin the truth and what i've experienced in the last eleven years of my life as an american in germany, ya'll catchin feelings cause of the truth. that aint my fault. im just tellin it like it its and ya'll know that this is the truth!
ya`ll aint got no culture cause ya'll lost yours fifty years ago. and that's why ya'll have to copy our shit. i feel sorry for ya'll. and what makes you believe that i don't know shit about germans? i spent almost half of my life in this shit. thats not just a fuckin vacation trip. i wouldn't tell if i wouldn't know. im not just typin this shit for fun. believe me i got plenty reasons. ninety percent of us americans over here in germany got the same opinion but they won't tell cuase they don't wanna insult ya'll. but im fed up with ya'll fools.bottom line.
@tooper:knowin shit about hiphop doesn't mean anything. for example: i can have a shitload of knowledge about birds but that doesn't make me a bird.
@5150 promotionz: what kind of sorry attempt of creating an albumcover is this?? are u kidding me?? whats wrong with this dudes neck? looks like his head is about to fall off of his shoulders. or is this a ' german gangsta pose'??? 'WORLDWIDE LAME'!!! and what about berlin. did ya'll already rebuild it? we just bombed it fifty years ago!! now ya'll can call me bitches and motherfuckers as much as u want. im already used to it cause ya'll germans always react like that. instead of realizing. but it all remains the same.
May 22, 2002
lol looks like the "white plague" over here lol hella german too......sup mb3?

für alle die ne mail bekommen haben, wo drin steht, dass ich tot bin: DAMN das stimmt nicht!

damn i feel you..........i like germany a lot but i dont like those lil "ghetto children" running round crazy and playin big blood or crip....thats a goddamn shame.....
Dec 5, 2002
@ Snake Eyez..You call us "fuckin losers" "bitchmade Faggots" and "Ridicolous Bastards" and expect that we won't trip...haha

We don't catch feelings because of the "truth"..we catch feelings because of your bitch ass calling us faggots

I treat anybody with respect as long as the other person shows respect..I don't give a Fuck if you were American, Italian, German or whatever..

You seem to be pretty mad huh?

Just cause you wasted 11 years of your pittyful life...lmao!

whatever can still eat a


John of 5150 Promotionz
May 10, 2002
snake eyes: you are boring everybody with your lame-ass comments. the fact that all these german peeps are posting on this site makes your statement ridiculous.
everybody posting here is into underground rap and that has nothing to do with the fact that most german rap fans listen to the same old mainstream bullshit that 90 % of the american rap fans listen to. granted, the baggy wear fads, rap music in mainstream radio and tv shows, and all that other shit is really getting on my nerves also. but are you seriously saying that it's any different in the states or in any other country for that matter?
anyway, at least the artists appreciate that the fans holla at them and buy their records.

@psycho: was los! würde gerne zur party kommen, bin aber zu der zeit nicht in d-land.
BTW: i've been living in bangkok for 10 months now and cannot say that germany sucks. every place has some good and some bad to it and i'll be really glad when i can return home this autumn.

@5150: whaddup! viel erfolg mit deinem projekt! las mal connecten, wenn ich wieder in berlin bin.
Dec 5, 2002
@ Psycho...wenn du das jetzt nur auf die Möchtegern Gangstaz und wanna be crips & Bloods beziehst, dann geh mal nach Amerika...Du kannst mir nicht erzählen, dass das nur in Deutschland so ist..ich war lange in Amerika und hab dasselbe Bild da gesehen...Check mal das East Co Co Board und sag mir dass alle die da posten wahre Nortenos



Sicc OG
Aug 26, 2002
@ snake eyez you seem to very intelligent that you know so much about germany and about the culture and everything. So in which german city did you live ?
May 22, 2002
ey sorry leute hab mich ein bisschen dumm asugedrückt, ich meinte, dass in Deutschland wirklich jeder kleine Schuwchtel und jeder Idiot meint er ist voll der krasse Hip Hopper mit seinem Nelly, Eminem, 50 Cent Scheiss und reden den ganzen Tag von R.I.P. Makaveli und so ein scheiss...natürlich gibt es davon auch genug in den Staaten, aber es ist dort mit Sícherheit nicht so, dass jeder meint er is voll der krasse Hiphopper....ich mein...damn...die ganzen Kinder (und eigendlich auch "erwachsenen") in deutschland meinen alle, dass z.B. e40 Underground ist....cmon e40 kennt wirklich jeder und man kann seine cds sogar in den schwulen müller-märkten kaufen...entweder ich versteh da was falsch oder das hat überhaupt nichts mit UNDERGROUND zu tun
lol sorry bin jetzt ein bisschen vom thema abgekommen, aber ich hab Hunger wie ein jude...
Apr 5, 2003
SnakeEyez said:
ya'll germans are fuckin losers. i had to spent the last eleven years of my life in this shit and all i can say is, that ya'll are some fuckin fakes. first ya'll laugh about rap and then ya'll copy it. ya'll change your music taste like peeps change their underwear. ya'll straight comedy. germans and rap match togehter like chocolate cream and sawerkraut. few years ago those fools didn't even know what baggy jeans are and now they think they is 'REAL' ,cause they be listening to some underground rap, that ain't even underground no more. ya'll some fuckin faggs. but i thank ya'll fools for makin our garbage mainstream rappers rich, by spending your hard earned 'euros' for their bullshit. we laugh about ya'll bitchmade faggots. ya'll so ridiculous. when i was younger, germans used to call me a fuckin american, cause they hated us. they used to call rap 'jungle music'. and a few years later,all of a sudden those same fools started to listen to rapmusic.germans are some fuckin copycats, that's what they are.
fake like some silicon tits. YA'LL SOME RIDICULOUS BASTARDS!!!!!!
you dont know anyone of us. and generalization is always a bad thing. Sorry for you.

Feb 7, 2003
SnakeEyez said:
@MB3: first baumholder, later we moved to bitburg and spangdahlem.always on base. now i live off base in the eifel area.
HAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAHAHAHAA Homey wuuuut? Where tha fuck iz Baumholder?????????? Wut tha hell iz Bitburg???? Spangdah .. wut?????????????????? Homey iz u sure u lived N Germany ??? *looooL* Cuz I´ve neva heard of thoze villagez.
Homey cum ta **Hamburg Ciddy** ama whoop yo azz wit dat hipz hopz shit.
Daym NOW I can ´stand Y u fool iz hatin on Germanz ....
& homey PLEEEEEZ thynk 2wice about **wut** tha fuck u lil kid talkin cuz NooOOOOWWWWW I got tha muffuckin proof .. uza lil bitch / bitch !!!!!!! DunO wut the hell uz talkin bout & sucka
C-H-E-C-K shit out b4 u open ya mouf gotdamnit!

Peeze Um OUT

PS.: *HAHAHHAHAAAAAAAHAHA* Homey u so daym funny azz fuck. LMAO !!!!!!
Mar 14, 2003
how pathetic. wow, u sound REAL GANGSTA!!! with your fakeass ghetto slang. u little dork. you just proved your lameness again. i don't give a fuck about your hamburg itty bitty shiity thang with your homoerotic german wannabe hiphop scene. and by the way.baumholder has one of europes largest army bases. im glad i don't live there any more cause fools are fuckin crazy. and im not talkin about those german fucks. they don't even open their mouths no more. lol, and bitburgers pilseners is one of germanys most famous beers. callin me a kid? at least im facing reality instead of living in my own little 'german hiphop`world. germany and hiphop??? now how ridiculous is that? we hate ya'll just like any other nation does. and please diss me one more time using your gangsta slang. your shit is so fuckin funny, we can't stop laughin!!