Droopy Eye said:
Now you are just acting dumb. Marriage should only be between two people that love each other (and are over 18 years old and not related because that would produce retarded babies).
People tried saying retarded stuff like that back in the days too because they didn't like that black and white people got married to eachother.
I'm acting dumb? Funny, you dont seem to be quite intellectual yourself. Secondly my arguement is valid. Who are we to intercede in their hapiness right? If 5 people want to get married what gives YOU the right to say that cant happen? If a person loves their dog so much that they want to share that love with the dog what gives YOU the right to say that is immoral or illegal? What about the mormons and their vies on poligamy? Thats religious discrmination, you are allowing them to take more than one wife.
Droopy Eye said:
In ten years time we will look back at this as just as stupid.
I do not see this even as close as the african american civil rights movement. I never said gays should have their own drinking fountains, their own schools, their own housing, etc. I also dont think i'll look back at this in ten years and think its stupid, I think its stupid already.
Droopy Eye said:
The other retarded argument someone guarantee will bring up is that gay people can't produce offspring. But what about couples where the man or the woman are sterile, should every man do a sperm check to see if the soldiers were marching before he could allow to marry a woman?
someone guarantee will bring up? Is that even coherent? And you bring up the word retarded?!! Remember it is best to be thought of as a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. What about couples that cant produce offspring? They can adopt. Sure THEY can't because they are barren but naturally a woman and a man can produce offspring. What do you think would have happened to the population on this earth 4000 years ago if every one was gay? I doubt that we would even be alive.
Droopy Eye said:
Every other argument is religion based and therefore not relevant.
Religion based? Not relevant? And you know this how? Arguements are opinions, I can assure you there are atheist that do not like gay people getting married. that is a fact.