And you're obsessed with young nuts... So uh... Piss off.
Anyhow I think that LDS is a decent dude and was doing a great job... But sometimes a great job to you or me isn't a great job to the people that have the power to change the shit.
That's why LDS is a good dude, a decent mod, and a complete sellout.
HAHAAHAHAHA Fuck you, man. I thought I was going to bare witness to like the third 100% nice post from you in the history of your time on this forum....until I got to the end.
But anyway, this is where I explain myself and my actions....
I don't have to.
You see, this is the tipping point. Think of it like this:
Me and Asmodeus put in mad work behind the scenes, off this board, and in real life, and our MOD status was the result of the trust certain people at Strange have for us.
We get the MODship, everyone on the site cheers "YAY!!! GOOD MODS! FAIR MODS!"
One of us is a much quieter and soft spoken dude, while the other is completely opposite.
I put myself into the train tunnel, so to speak, by being loud, obnoxious, and sarcastic to a sickening fault, while Asmodeus chills in the back and wipes away shit while no one's looking.
I knew this point would be reached with some, because I honestly don't give a flying fucking hamster ball if you like me deleting thread that have circular conversational patterns. Hell, all I did was cut them off at the half moon point.
See what all I did there? I told you I didn't have to explain myself, and then I vaguely gave you more details as to how I acquired this position and even explained myself a little.
And just so you guys know me and Asmodeus are on the same page, I'll leave you with this:
Notice my font's a little bigger? That's because my ego IS GROWING AND SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL!!!!