Salineros are still fairly new to the game. So theyre just now starting to get use to dealing with the critics. When you come from this street shit, any negative talk towards you is taken as a form of disrespect. so as a man or a Gangsta, It's natural to want to lash out. I'v bit my tongue numerous times on here and it took some gettin use to. When you put so much hard work and effort in your music and HOMEBOYS on here just smut it up like its the thing to do, you tend to want defend your work. But in Reality, more hate and gossip goes on this forum then I ever seen else where and I notice it's the Homeboy Artists that actually are doin somethin in these streets that get the most critisism on here. I'm not gonna mention no names, but I see some of you that are tryin to rap, always got somethin negative to say when ever anything of mine pops up on here. I understand if you dont like me, thats koo, but always gossiping on here on me, sounds like you just HATING. but thats what this forum is for, to gossip. But like I said, I learn to deal with the B.S. just tryin to eas the homies mind on some real shit..... by the way, If you tryin to be a rapper, Focus on you and yours to get where yo need to be, and not worry about the next rapper on where he's at.... just figured I'd leave my OPINION, just like everyone else