Gremlin Fuck Boi #1, Can you read????
There is no need to repost the same article on here after Tooper already did. And quit twisting shit around muthafucka do you hate folks so much that when We actually AGREE with you on a point that you still want to cause trouble and confusion??
Some folks are Menstrating today?^^^
I can quote someone but not post the WHOLE article from which they gathered their oppinions?
Calm down internet Patrol.
The last part of your statement are you refering to when you said "And Heresy is right about Americans raping Vietnamese women, war brings out the worst in people"
I responded with "1) Saddam wasnt at war when that happened.
2) We dont rape our own or throw them into "MEAT GRINDERS"
As far as him posting it first, Ya ok. I think I did in this thread.
I want peace.
but ok. think of onther reason to speak on me. Did I effect so many people?