Putin really out here playing chess not checkers.
Shit can get scary real fast. Tin foil hat time.
Over Covid-19 how much money did America Print? Canada and the USA, everyone. Shits crazy. Some of us made fortunes thanks to that printing press, I know
Putin had perfect timing. Start a war when America can't keep the printing press on. How do you think wars are funded. There's a meme going around Twitter saying to buy the invasion. That in previous wars that's what worked - that's when we had the ability to turn on the printing press. Because of Covid we have had the printing press on for the last 2 years. It's going to force us into an unsustainable inflation - which is whats scary to watch.
As I type this there's reports of bombing near kyiv. Shits crazy.
From a financial perspective idk. Accumulate gold, bitcoin, ethereum and in the shorter term maybe noc or other war stocks if you jive that way.
Shits fucked tho. Love yall siccness. Whoever is left on this site word up.
Putin really out here playing chess not checkers.
Shit can get scary real fast. Tin foil hat time.
Over Covid-19 how much money did America Print? Canada and the USA, everyone. Shits crazy. Some of us made fortunes thanks to that printing press, I know

Putin had perfect timing. Start a war when America can't keep the printing press on. How do you think wars are funded. There's a meme going around Twitter saying to buy the invasion. That in previous wars that's what worked - that's when we had the ability to turn on the printing press. Because of Covid we have had the printing press on for the last 2 years. It's going to force us into an unsustainable inflation - which is whats scary to watch.
As I type this there's reports of bombing near kyiv. Shits crazy.
From a financial perspective idk. Accumulate gold, bitcoin, ethereum and in the shorter term maybe noc or other war stocks if you jive that way.
Shits fucked tho. Love yall siccness. Whoever is left on this site word up.