Just wondering........what is KCK's graduation rate for 8th graders? I bet is lower than any KC school. Missouri roads are shit......but I'd rather have shitty roads than live in the country next to a nascar track. Plus there are a few more people who live in KCMO than KCK.....those extra people are extra drivers who cause extra wear and tear on our roads. Maybe we should start making all enterances to downtown toll roads like Kansas does. Think of how many interstates and major highways are in KCMO.....that need to be kept up.......435, 35, 29, 70, 470, 71, 24, 50, 291, 152, 40, did i miss any? oh 169 and 69. What do you have over in hick ass kansas? 70, 35, 635 and 435.....and 2 of those are toll roads. Yall can keep that shit. I'm used to the potholes on 70 and the canyons downtown. You worry about your little town's inferstructure there and trying to get some businesses to Crime-dotte and get that fuckin unemployment rate down....isn't your unemployment rate one of the highest in the nation? I wonder if it has anything to do with your low ass graduation rates......47% graduation rate......ouch....better get in that unemployment line quick!