Even if he isn't racist or in support of the KKK, etc . . . you guys are still saying you support a candidate who is dumb enough to put his name on that shit and not pay close enough attention to what was being printed and distributed under his name. He put the Ron Paul stamp of approval on that shit. Like he's Krusty the Klown sellin fire hazard toys to kids.
And since when is the NAACP the litmus test for racism?
LOL, since 1992 man.
Maybe since the NAACP and Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson will call you racist if you sneeze wrong.
Having the support of a leader from the NAACP is obviously NOT indisputable proof that RP is in fact not racist, and no one said it was the definitive litmus test, but it is a pretty solid testament nonetheless. It deserves mentioning without a doubt.
Plus what was the guy suppose to do, get the Republican Party to give him the PC Seal of Approval?
On the other hand, suppose that RP actually did know about what was being published, and even supported it at the time. Why could he have not seen the error of his ways over the last 20 years and changed his opinion. I know I sure don't feel the same way about many issues that I did 20 years ago lol.