Monster: Khaos, Mixxed, M-80, Heavy Metal, and lo carb as a last resort
Red BUll only for Jagerbombs... red Bull Cola in Italy, fucking terrible
Rockstar: Punched, Juiced (pink), Juiced (orange), zero carb, sugar free and the regular
Lost: 5-0 , Perfect 10 and regular
Boo-Koo.....I forgot which one I Had
Nos but only the power shots, but ones taste like asshole.
Amp: purple, orange and regular
Coke Blak sucks
Hanson energy, also gross
Arizona energy.....not so great
Pimp Juice is decent but CRUNK!!! is gross
FREEK: Blue, orange and the other flavored one
Full Throttle: Sugar free......Blue demon is fucking terrible.. That hasta be one of the worst
Rip It: Sugar Free, Citrus X and Atomic Pom
Whoop ass aint that great
Sobe: Adreneline Rush and No Fear
Jolt: Blue, Green and Red
And *Drumroll*
SPARK SHOOTER: Green , Red, Orange
If youdont fuck with Spark Shooter you never had a energy drink
IM still tryna get my hands on Cocaine