^^^I read that article and...damn... sounds like dude was just out bank of Jackson^^^
I remember hearing that one of Michael Jackson's close friends from back in the day wrote a book about MJ and said after "Thriller" MJ wasn't able to deal with the huge burst of super stardom, and thats when he started getting strange and seemed to go off the deep end.
Maybe ya'll think im stupid for this, but perhaps, MJ's superstardom made him wacko in the head and he was also trying to latch on to his missed opprotunity at a normal childhood by surrounding himself by children. Perhaps it was nothing sexual, but something more psychological. Maybe the kids dad saw an opprotunity to bank off of Michael Jackson, and took it. And all the other parents who were letting thier children spend the night at MJ's saw their opprotunity too.
Either way, a grown man sharing beds and spending so much time with childeren is a bit odd, creepy, and wrong. Even if what MJ said is true, and his intentions were not sexual, youd think that at some point, he'd think "perhaps these sleepovers with little boys isn't such a great idea" Plus, no parent in their right mind should've ever allowed their child to sleep over with a 40 some year old man in the first place.
Guily or not, he deserved all the shit from the media he got because he brought it upon himself. It's just sad that such an influencial and loved musican's life would be turned upside down and made into a running mockery/joke because of his own fucked up actions.
RIP (the musician) MJ