One of the funniest, edgiest motherfuckers ever. It really doesn't even need to be said. I guess I'm more sad about him spending the last fifteen years of his life as an invalid than his passing, when he was such a balls out guy. I think he probably wishes he'd gone out like Belushi, but the only thing that's good, that comes from his passing, is that the suffering of MS is over.
I just listened to That Nigger's Crazy a few weeks ago. He had such knack for telling horribly depressing stories in a way that could make you laugh yourself to tears.
Live on the Sunset Strip, when he's talking about the day he caught fire, some of the most brutally honest, insane, and painfully funny stuff I've ever heard. The man gave everything right down to the marrow of his bones. Few have even come close.
THEE greatest of all time, EVER!
Rest easy, Mr. Pryor. You're one of my heroes.