hell muthafuckin yeah......but whats better is apples and peanut butter made with cannabis, that shit is hella good and then when you're finished, you're high!
how the hell did we go from intelligence to appless?? well shit, it kinda makes sense, i mean, when man ate from the tree of knowledge he became self aware and thus able to think he was smart.
OK then Dufy thats fine Did I hit a little 2 close to the closet door or something, Let me guess you must be some type of megamath type brainiac cat, right with a pocket protector and gold sports tape holden your eyeware on your face (sounds reasonable they would go with that fagget ass hat in your avatar).
The reason Suckdicko sucks is because its so fucking retardedly easy! HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES?
Post Script: You suck at dicks you Suckdicko loven twirp !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!