Rest In Peace Woodie aka Ryan Wood

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Feb 28, 2006
Hey homeboy i dunno dawg if the lord will $how you how much your mi$$ed down here but me az a fan $till cant believe your muzik iz gonna be at a $tand $till and i no matter how long i wait for the next thing that comez out your mind it wont be there. I know your living better now though I hope the lord takez the $uffering we do here on earth and evenz it out with the bad we do. I know one day i will get to hear your late$t form of go$pel muzik you perform.. thi$ time it wont be for money or fame it will be for god and hiz peoplez enjoyment.. and it wont be about pain and $uffering it will be about reuniting and peace of mind that the lord haz given you. and when i get there homie i will $till feel your muzik cuz in heaven i will finally feel the $ame way.. at peace and finally reunited with my father and lo$t loved onez... May your $oul re$t in peace and may you a$k god to help u$ fellow Nortenoz to realize our mi$leadingz and come clo$er to going to a better place
Jul 21, 2002
Damn man, I never even really look at this site anymore but my homeboy told me to check it out. I can't believe it still. Even though we could've guessed that he would go before his time like we could've with 2pac, it's still unbelievable to me.
For all the stupid stuff that goes on in this forum, Wood was always cool with all of his supporters and was always cool with me when i had questions for him.
there's no way to measure all of the memories i have from his music, and he's immortalized through the classic hits that he's made. It's a damn shame. Rest in piece wood
Sep 20, 2005
3 months later and still cant believe he is gone one of the greatest and realest to spit on the mic hopefully he has some unreleased music that will come out, but if not im just glad i got to listen to one of the greatest ever spit lyrics that a lot of people can relate to
Jun 18, 2007
Not supporting any of them rumorz or nunna' that shit, but I heard 4rm a homeboy up in the Yoc that the day b4 Wood died, he killed a $crap & Wood was gunna have 2 spend LIFE in prison.. Think about it, would you rather spend the rest of your fuckin' life in prison or just end it & go 2 Heaven.. BUT I still don't kno shit about what happened but that's what I jus' heard.. Either way, rest in paradise homie. At least he kickin' it wit Blackbird now.
Nov 2, 2002
EvilsideLady4O8 said:
Not supporting any of them rumorz or nunna' that shit, but I heard 4rm a homeboy up in the Yoc that the day b4 Wood died, he killed a $crap & Wood was gunna have 2 spend LIFE in prison.. Think about it, would you rather spend the rest of your fuckin' life in prison or just end it & go 2 Heaven.. BUT I still don't kno shit about what happened but that's what I jus' heard.. Either way, rest in paradise homie. At least he kickin' it wit Blackbird now.

that was the worst post i seen in a while.
fuck outta here with that
May 15, 2006
EvilsideLady4O8 said:
Not supporting any of them rumorz or nunna' that shit, but I heard 4rm a homeboy up in the Yoc that the day b4 Wood died, he killed a $crap & Wood was gunna have 2 spend LIFE in prison.. Think about it, would you rather spend the rest of your fuckin' life in prison or just end it & go 2 Heaven.. BUT I still don't kno shit about what happened but that's what I jus' heard.. Either way, rest in paradise homie. At least he kickin' it wit Blackbird now.
If that were to be true I thiNk WOOD would have ju$t caught a flight to Brazil


people have $ome BIG imagiNatioN$ N love to tell $torie$