IM NOT ON THE BOY'S DICK... u bitch. but u running ur mouth defimating his character to make a name. the fed gang has sold over 40,000 units over theyre career not to mention all the mixtape shit.. done songs wit snoop e-40 , and been on tour wit major cats. and u can say they didnt start hyphy till ur blue in the face.. but every radio dj in the west coast knows the first hyphy song they ever played on the radio was " hyphy " federation featuring e-40. check ur history bitch.. but u already know all that since u was his "lady" for 3 years.. u were never that dudes chick.. yall just fukd and he would crash at ur pad. that boy didnt even live in california for the better part of the past 3 to 4 years. so miss me with all that.
on that show u proved you were a scum bag bitch. disrespecting that girls dead mom. startin all that shit.. and now u been goin at goldies mom.
and u wanna act like ur a high profile bitch. news flash.. that wasnt ur show... u were the wanna be "NEW yORK" of that show.. they casted u for entertainment.. cuz they knew you would make a fool of urself for other peoples entertainment, they didnt cast you cuz u were a talented respectable young lady. with lots of charm. they casted you cuz ur a loud mouth disrespectful circus freak or a broad.
and u actin like u was playin it all coo. and chillin in ur sons room. being an angel. and so sweetly just told him to leave or sleep in the car. when we all seen what type of loud mouth ffoul attitude havin bitch you are. so you go ahead and play that innocent victom roll. but the world has it on calera what type of individual you are. and judge by that.
you dont have fans., you dont have supporters.. you have other women with real problems. listening to ur fabricated sob story. cuz they dont know any better.
hittin women is not coo. and i have never done so in my life. nor have i just stood whitness to a man doin that. wiith out breakin it up.
but you know as weel as i know.. like everbody on this forum and who ever has see n u on t.v. that you did something to cause that boy to strike you.
he did not come in there and just take off on you. he knows how much he got to lose. and you knew it too. thats why ur taking it this far.
and as far you being more famous.. why dont u check the search engines like yahoo and google. and see who's name has been searched more. kiki from real chance of love. or the federation
u said ur self 2.4 million people watch that show.. well check ur numbers on average .. wild 94.9 has an average of 5 to 9 million listeners everyday during prime airtime. and theyre songs have been played thousands of tyimes. not counting all the other of hunders of radio stations that played theyre shit.
and at most uve prolly signed 500 autographs .. which im wwillin to bet money u havent/// goldies singed 1000's goldies group is signed as a real act.. not just for distrobution by a real label.
goldie was gettin payed 1000' a night to host a club in vegas. ive seen dude recieve the check., u are doin guest appearances that no one knows about at a fukn shoe store in hayward,
goldie can sell out a whole club. as the main fuetured artist.. bitch u couldnt sell out a prty bus. while ur episodes where airing.
u really aint shit in this game. and u neer will be..
why would people keep u around u have no kinda talent.. and ut not good lookin i dont even know why gold was fukn wit u. and ur annoying... and %99 of the people who watched the show truely hated you. you are ugly on the outside. and discusting on the inside
i feel sorry for your son. that he has to be raised by a mother like you.
like the dude dutch said give it up... we all see wats real. quit tryna go public. handle ur case... ur gonna lose that shit
and go back to workinb retail or sumthin.. or go back on welfare.
wat do u really expect to get payd for in 3 months once the show is been off the air.
i really feel like u tryna pull a supa head. and i know for damn sure u hoe'd up
If this nigga is such a fucking angel and he did no wrong, why they fuck hasn't anyone got this nigga out of jail? All the people around him, that has the ability to help him are refusing to help him because they know how Goldie can get when he's drunk, and they all keep saying the same thing "He's a hot head." It's obviously more to it than what you know. You sitting here running your mouth and speaking on some shit that you dont have all the facts to. Sit back and really think on this shit. None of y'all muthafucka's REALLY know him. Just cause y'all may have smoked a blunt or had a drink with this nigga, that doesnt qualify y'all as being his best friend. And 40,000 units(which I seriously doubt was sold) on a major label is not alot of units dumb ass. Virgin Records put out the first album and Warner Bros put out the second one. All those songs that you named were not in regular rotation. You're song being played in a mix doesnt qualify as regular rotation, and all the stations that you named were all West Coast Stations which further proves my point that those niggas are not known outside of this region. There's 3 other regions in the United States that have no clue to who the fuck these niggas are. How you gone knock me for doing signings at a shoe store, this nigga has done them at shoe stores and clothing stores, so whats your point? And if Goldie know how much he has to lose, why is it that he just got through fighting a case in Solano county for similar charges as well as a case in Vegas where he vandalized some one's property. This nigga has went to jail 3 times in 2008 and the other 2 incidents wasnt because of me. So to be someone that has so much to lose, why keep getting caught up doing dumb shit? He's around different people every time he goes to jail, so are those people lying on him too? You need to do your fucking research before you try to say what a person is capable of doing or try to defend their innocence. Once the DA pulls Goldie's arrest record and see that he's been in trouble on several occasions for the same dumb shit in different counties and states with different people, what is that going to say for him and his character? As far as the bite mark on his shoulder, if you look at the impressions of my teeth, there's no way in hell that I could've bit him from being on his back. It's definitely a bite mark that was done from the front. $1000 for a club appearance is what us people on reality shows get paid, some of the girls that make it to the end get more. So if reality stars are so beneath The Federation, why is it that we get paid the same amount to do club appearances? As far as the raising of my child, my son has a better child hood than your ass could've ever dreamed about having. Im very well off, my son is very well taken care, and with or without a job, Im set for the rest of my life. You probably still staying at home with your mama or in some raggedy ass ran down ghetto shit, while I'm living in my own brand new shit in the suburbs. Sit your ass down, get yourself some flash cards and a few hooked on phonics books to help your dumb ass with your spelling and grammar.