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Jun 12, 2006
Check it out you rotten bitch.
youse a mutha fukn liar....

you said gotdlie beat you for a half hour.. but u only have 1 black eye. if goldie would have beat u for even 5 minutes. and hit you repativly in the head and face and choked you. your whole face would be swollen.. eyes swollen shut. lips swollen up. head swelling. broken nose.. some foul ass shit. goldie not a big dude... but has the strenth to realy truely fuk u up. if i were to punch you just once. no bull shit.. you might die. aint no padding or head gear invovled. so how bad he hurt you is the first thing u lied about.

and ur a load mouth bitch. so i guarantee u started runnin ur mouth to him. he went bad on u.. tried to leave and you jumped on his back and bit him. he swung around and smacked you.. he felt bad about ir rite after. and took u to the bathroom. and washed ur mouth and told u to take a shower. and to get back at this nigga cuz ur a lunatic cunt bitch.. you shady ass called the cops and put 2 on the 10. doin too much. he prolly heard u on the phone.. kikd down the door. and then truly lost it on u.. and smacked u up,. and bit up your pussy.. but the reason i know that aint true. is because if he would have caused you real bodily injury like that.. tha cops wouldnt have let you stay home./ you would had to come in to get treated and have pics taken. but in the video you looked just fiine wen u were talkin to that cop.

laughin and shit.

you aint got no money.. u was too broke to copp a fukn dub sak lst time i seen u. 2 months ago. u had to just buy a 10. askin for a discount and shit. cuz goldie would pay for your ass.

he got real bad bite marks on his shoulder. and everything u doin is just eveidence against urself bitch... he finna beat this case.. and once its all siad and done.. everywhere u go u finna have niggas beatin your ass.

you are a rotten gold diggin bitch. a snitch.. a face.. and you have no soul.

plus u hella ugly. you have no evedance of wat ur saying goldie did. and he will get sum time.. but wit the bite marks he has... and all the evidance against you.. theyre finna give you sum time too. goldie got sum real live millionaire baller niggas in his corner.. and his lawyer is finna tear that ass up. real shit wen i see .. imma hsave u bald.. on my mommas momma. so i hope u like rockin wigs bitch

goldie is a good dude. and luvd but real niggas all over.

ur finna see how shoa shit comes back around.

handle ur business bitch.,

and enjoy this lil bit of fame and buzz while u got it. cuz its finna be bad for u.

aint a real nigga on earth gonna defend a gold diggin fame chasin snitch bitch..

you are one fake ass bitch... who dont know the game. fuk that weak ass tv show.. ur carreer and ur freedom is finna over soon.
Sep 5, 2008


isnt your dad a supreme court judge?

and if you saw kiki on the show you know that girls a bitch and gots an attitude problem, but she dont deserve an unjustified ass beating.... now trying to get a dub for 10 cause you broke and dating goldie gold, now that deserves an ass beating.
May 8, 2008
Man somebody delete this stupid ass shit. Siccness is a place for Hip Hop, not a place for outta pocket females to vent and cry about getting they ass beat.
Jun 24, 2005
This is Ki Ki From VH1's Real chance of Love and I wanna clear the air on a few comments some of you have left on the other thread. First things first, a lie is something that I dont have to tell, especially on a nigga like Goldie. The whole argument started over MySpace. Goldie was hella drunk that night and was feeling himself and decided to run upon me behind some bullshit. Anyone who REALLY knows Goldie, know that he cant hold his liquor and that the smallest thing will send him into a rage. This situation in no way is fake, it's 100% real. I did not do this to myself, as some of your are saying. There's no way in hell, I would do this to myself and prevent myself from being able to make money to provide for me and my son. As far as him leaving me for another woman, NOT TRUE! Me and Goldie had a wonderful Christmas together that we spent with his family, up until this incident occurred. I have saved text messages and aim conversations to show you who didnt want who to leave who. Goldie was very possessive and constantly brought up the fact that he thought I would leave him once I got my career on the roll. Im in no way, that type of person. I stay down with whoever stay down with me. The reason I was able to talk to the officer again, was because his ghetto ass mama was calling my phone saying she was gonna beat my ass if I testify and continue with the charges against her son, which was really stupid for her to do because she's only making matters worse for her son. Alot of y'all that are making y'all ignorant ass comments, take a second and think about if this was your mother, sister, or daughter this shit happened to. Regardless of the type of person y'all feel I am, no female deserves to have any of this happen to them. This nigga was in MY house beating me for an hour. When Turf Talked whooped is ass in Vegas, Allstar weekend 2007, he wasnt trying to fight Turf for an hour. So why fight a female? I got cousins, brothers, uncles, potnas that he could've fought if he wanted to fight so damn bad. Me making a video about him beating my ass aint shit, I have so much other shit on this nigga that I can put out there thats worse than this but Im not. At least not right now. I never speak on shit without substantial evidence to back my shit up. If there's something I didnt cover or if ANYONE feel that wanna ask me anything, please leave me a message on my MySpace and I will gladly answer all your questions.
this is why ya'll bitch ass muthafuckas need to quit pillow talkin


Attention Whore
Oct 8, 2008
Check it out you rotten bitch.
youse a mutha fukn liar....

you said gotdlie beat you for a half hour.. but u only have 1 black eye. if goldie would have beat u for even 5 minutes. and hit you repativly in the head and face and choked you. your whole face would be swollen.. eyes swollen shut. lips swollen up. head swelling. broken nose.. some foul ass shit. goldie not a big dude... but has the strenth to realy truely fuk u up. if i were to punch you just once. no bull shit.. you might die. aint no padding or head gear invovled. so how bad he hurt you is the first thing u lied about.

and ur a load mouth bitch. so i guarantee u started runnin ur mouth to him. he went bad on u.. tried to leave and you jumped on his back and bit him. he swung around and smacked you.. he felt bad about ir rite after. and took u to the bathroom. and washed ur mouth and told u to take a shower. and to get back at this nigga cuz ur a lunatic cunt bitch.. you shady ass called the cops and put 2 on the 10. doin too much. he prolly heard u on the phone.. kikd down the door. and then truly lost it on u.. and smacked u up,. and bit up your pussy.. but the reason i know that aint true. is because if he would have caused you real bodily injury like that.. tha cops wouldnt have let you stay home./ you would had to come in to get treated and have pics taken. but in the video you looked just fiine wen u were talkin to that cop.

laughin and shit.

you aint got no money.. u was too broke to copp a fukn dub sak lst time i seen u. 2 months ago. u had to just buy a 10. askin for a discount and shit. cuz goldie would pay for your ass.

he got real bad bite marks on his shoulder. and everything u doin is just eveidence against urself bitch... he finna beat this case.. and once its all siad and done.. everywhere u go u finna have niggas beatin your ass.

you are a rotten gold diggin bitch. a snitch.. a face.. and you have no soul.

plus u hella ugly. you have no evedance of wat ur saying goldie did. and he will get sum time.. but wit the bite marks he has... and all the evidance against you.. theyre finna give you sum time too. goldie got sum real live millionaire baller niggas in his corner.. and his lawyer is finna tear that ass up. real shit wen i see .. imma hsave u bald.. on my mommas momma. so i hope u like rockin wigs bitch

goldie is a good dude. and luvd but real niggas all over.

ur finna see how shoa shit comes back around.

handle ur business bitch.,

and enjoy this lil bit of fame and buzz while u got it. cuz its finna be bad for u.

aint a real nigga on earth gonna defend a gold diggin fame chasin snitch bitch..

you are one fake ass bitch... who dont know the game. fuk that weak ass tv show.. ur carreer and ur freedom is finna over soon.

Yeah nigga this is Ki Ki, if your dumb ass watch the video I was sent to the hospital and treated for my injuries. Look at the discharge papers you dumb bitch. As far as your dumb ass logic on if I was so hurt the police wouldve made me leave my home thats bullshit, they encourage you to either stay with a friend or have a friend stay with you. I live in a very nice neighborhood and if anybody wouldve came over her with some bullshit, their asses wouldve been in jail before they wouldve made it out of here. FYI bitch I dont smoke weed so I wasnt the bitch trying to buy weed from you. And if all y'all niggaz thats supppose to be his potnas is balling so hard, why the fuck none of y'all tired ass niggaz put up his $250,000 bail? In the video I also said he beat me for an hour, the youtube video was done days after the actual incident. Yes my eye was swollen shut, yes my lips were swollen, but with the help of ice, I reduced alot of the swelling so therefor my face doesnt look how it did the day the incident happened. And as far as him trying to leave that night, that nigga never tried to leave. While we were on our way home we were arguing and I told the nigga at that time to call someone to pick him up from my house or sleep in the car but he chose to bring his drunk ass in the house to fuck with me. He hit me first and you damn right I bit his ass, I wanted that nigga the fuck up off me. I see you got just as much bitch in you as that nigga, if not more since you sitting here talking about you gone beat my ass when you see me. You aint gotta wait to you see me, I'll let you know were I'll be. I'll be in LA next week from January 8-10 and I'll be staying at the Beverly Garland Hotel and I'll be doing an in-store signing at Shiekh Shoes in Hayward at Southland Mall January 11 from 3-5. So bring your ass and whatever other bitch ass niggaz you can find that fight girls because they're too pussy to run upon another nigga. And another thing, since your dumb ass think he's such a fucking good dude, let me go ahead and release the aim conversation I had with this 18 year old white girl that says he forced himself upon her sexually back in June, just weeks after her 18th birthday. I dont give a fuck how good of a person you think this nigga is, aint no good nigga gone try to take pussy from a bitch or put his hands on one.


Attention Whore
Oct 8, 2008
i aint gone start talkin hella shit to you kiki, but why would you go out your way to post this shit on its not like its vh2.. my 2 cents is the reality show is over, dont try n produce your own.. pz
I have alot of young girls who look up to me and women who love me. My purpose of the video was not solely to put him on blast but to encourage other women and young girls that may be in a similar situation to get out of it. Since the video has been posted, Ive received numerous of messages from young girls and women telling me that theyre currently in a situation like that and my video has encourage them to get out of it. Regardless who's right or who's wrong in this situation or others just like it, a man is naturally stronger than a woman and should not put his hands on a woman. Alot of y'all with these angry comments obviously have bias opinions about this situation because your friends with Goldie. What if he wouldve did this to someone in your family or someone close to you, would you still have the same opinion? The answer is no. You probably would wanna beat his ass your self. How can you be so angry with me for calling for help because some asshole is in my home beating me, choking me, suffocating me and repeating over and over again that theyre gonna kill me. Am I suppose to sit there and say " Go ahead, kill me"? The hospital discharge papers with the doctors findings dont lie as well as the pictures that the technician for the police dept took that night.


Long live the KING!!!!
May 7, 2002
No name calling, but if dude so terrible, and you got so many stories to tell on dude, why would you be with him in the first place? if you talking to other females telling he pushed sex on him, why would you even kick it with it dude?
Nov 14, 2002
your in the wrong website to try to encourage anybody baby girl.the comment in this place will leave you more heart broken and sad.but if you wanna argue with people back and fourth about your situation and start name callin then that shows what your real intentions are.
Dec 6, 2005
my question is where and why do you feel the need to use the people he associates with to go at him? if he beat your ass and you truly didn't deserve it then yeah he fucked up and im sure the courts will do the right thing. but you are a drama queen, and a dumb bitch for trying to boost your status by saying "he is in rick rocks group. you know the guy who made beats for jay z...." what does that have to do with the price of rice in china? you a gold digging tramp. and weak as fuck. he should of punched you in the nose and really left a mark, you phycho beezy.

im done now. spoke my piece.

fuck off.
She most likley needed to do so because outside of the bay who the hell knows who the federation is? Much less the individual group member names? Be serious yall- she is not getting ANY FAME OFF of him and isnt going to get rich off of a youtube video. Honestly, more people know her nationwide than the Federation from the TV show. What she did was a service for women to know that if this man steps to you run for your fuckin life because he is a WOMEN BEATER.

I dont care if KIKI was butt booty naked on Craigslist and was on 15 bootleg pornos you might have - a woman does NOT deserve to get beat on or hit on by any man unless she is trying to KILL HIM. And for you who think its OKAY to beat on women and advocate for her to get her ass beat more, I feel sorry for the women you are with and if you complain about the type of women you usually get its probably because you have a fucked up hood mentality. If it was your mother, sister, daughter, niece, or cousin you most likely would be singing a different tune. A real man does not have to BEAT on a woman- My father is the head of his household and has been married to my mother for 28 years; no hands have ever been invloved. Ive been with my man for 8 years- NEVER A hand or even the threat of one because they are REAL MEN who run their household in a Godly way. Every time I hear a man talk about " I only get crazy bitches" its usually because they are fucking crazy themselves. I wish everytime a man hit a woman or sexually assaulted a woman they had the guts to post it on youtube because maybe a man would think TWICE before violating another woman.

I usually dont post but DAMN I had to say something.