cause you the only one beside medicine man who gots it, but i know for sure you didnt spread them homie

its not that im mad because they got em its because they acting big time like they made them theirselves. Thats what makes me upset about it. Most of these covers are around because Medicinehoe send them everyone, now acting big time with his funny ass page half the infos he got on there are from me personally. Same on the artwork thing, the Evil Pimp cover he made with the burning crosses in the background is a fully set up picture by me he just added Evil Pimp and that ugly ass font on it. Oh and i made that Dirty Red & Lil Bay - Platinum UG Hits and that Ann P. cover which he got in his portfolio. I want my credits lol (just joking)
ahja der Andre S. aus O.
i know i dowloaded it thats the reason why i asked where he gots that shit off

and i seen the tape pics and they're the same Medicinehoe had all the time