LOL you are official freaks , no doubt. you got no the lil main point again.i phoned with mr ivan and was goin to buy 30 copies of the 187 one , LMAO @ yall believin this is crazy shit.i explained why i dont got em cuz he went to the hospital before i was even able to get his paypal account and send the money.anything else i never said ,only on the german board i was jokin you bout chillin with mr ivan , was funny tho

.so those were the facts,END. and LMAO what u think how i always get my cds ? you can go thru the whole myspace and phone with all your sexy idols yall young cock lovas.but u re sittin here and behavin like sum 13 year old teenagers freakin out spreadin those non quality jokes.
loook baby you stupid i know
you got great ability to look besides reality and make your own reality in your head i know
i done told you all this stuff 10 times so here again(its just an old post but fits perfect again to all the bullshit your talkin
"its sooo great how he always says he jokin people lol going to the inet and tellin bullshit to make a fake image so others give you props and you feel big is joking others????????????
hahah i think joking others is what we do with you inhoe in case u didnt realize
you tellin others is fucked up in the head behaving like kids, freaks or whatever????? hm homie you go to some bullshit weppages and tell people that you was in the nola and met mr ivan not me
and i think thats definition of a childish fake freaktype fucked up person
i know you got different views on reality but to me and most other peoples its like this
just dont try to avoid that even if i already realized u got a huge ability to twist reality
but here i dont let you go away with that lol FACE REALITY INHOE"
and that with mr ivan also a lie you know
you wrote his stupid myspace homie like we all did thats it
lies over lies and lil inhoe never was man enough to stand up and say ok i lied he talks this is jokin lol but to get you a fake image cause you a gay and want the props you get with that fake image thats something different
you can talk as much as you want but everybody besides you skitzo knows that you lie all time for hoe type intentions and this has nuttn to do with jokin others....