KleanKut said:
Yeah i forgot that dick cheany and donald rumsfeild were fliing the planes that hit the twin towers. You are also faling to realize that Sadamm has killed 1.5 million innocent people. Maby we should have let hitler go too. I mean he only gassed jews. and Sadamm is gassing kurds and his neibors. Maby sadamm and hitler arnt that bad after all. Fucc it ima shave my head and trow my hand in the air HEIL HITLER!!!! You guys are morons all that sadamm is, is a hitler of 2003. He is religisly persicuting people. oh im sorry Ethnic clensing. I have no sypithy. He had the chance to get away scott free from thos 1.5 million murders. Shit i wish i could kill 1.5 mil people and be asked to move and all woudl be forgiven.
you DO know that germany was actually a threat to us, right?who developed the atomic bomb? the jews did. those jews came to this country and developed the warhead... they came straight from europe... but had they STAYED in europe and developed the weapon there, the germans woulda got their hands on it and used it on us... and they were in Genghis Khan takeover mode also... all they had to do was drop one bomb in New York, another one in DC, and that's it. None of us would be here today. Do you think the U.S. got to them for the sole purpose of them gassing jews??
now truthfully: does Iraq really pose that same threat?