aint nobody cry'n really...mutha fuckas is jus askin why did he get bann' i could give a fuck if one person is banned or not off this shit...ain't effect'n me
this shit is becoming annoying as could be a thread about anything and somebody has to come in talkin shit and fucin the whole shit up callin other ppl faggots and crybabies and gettin the same in response and acting then acting like they are too good to reply back so shut the fuck up and still carrying the thread on to million pages arguing on the mother fucking internet...
somebody got banned...who the fuck cares...its jus the internet
having secret meetings to talk about lets ban this person or I dont like this other person and lets act like the govt and wipe out ppl that dont think/feel/see the same way as us (well atleast thats wat is being implied about the mods in this thread) is pretty pathetic initself...if true ofcourse
everybody, chill the fuck out and lets not ruin every single thread on the sicc with this childish arguin and you suck because of this and your a hater because of that and your a faggot coz of some other shit...