theres so many people on my friends list playin this shit,im gonna get it 2morrow for sure..thinking of trading all these games collecting dust in for it..
theres so many people on my friends list playin this shit,im gonna get it 2morrow for sure..thinking of trading all these games collecting dust in for it..
Damn, you should've done the 2 games on their list trade in deal they had for it, might still be going on...that's how I only paid $18 for the game at gamestop
I fuckin shot a pot in some mexican village and an eye witness poped up on my map..for shooting a pot? wtf! I knew he was gonna snitch so i killed him...then someone witnessed that so i killed them.. then a bunch of nuns witnessed it and i killed them and lost all kinds of honor..after that i freaked out and killed everyone in the village..pussy just had to go snitch cuz i shot a fuckin pot!
theres so many people on my friends list playin this shit,im gonna get it 2morrow for sure..thinking of trading all these games collecting dust in for it..
Rockstar just played the PSN people on Live, tomorrow btwn 12-4 est XBL people...anyone wanna posse up with me to get that kill a Rockstar achievement?