Recent Canadian UFO Disclosure

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Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
I have been fascinated with this for a long time. Stephen Hawking said that statistically it is a certainty there is more intelligent life out there, and i would tend to agree.

As far as visting us, I believe there is a high possibility they have. One of the reasons mabe they havent established contact properly is because we are so violent.

Imagine if you came across a deserted island in the Pacific somewhe, and you see from a safe distance on some hill that there are people living in a village on there, but after observing them for a while you see that they kill women and children for no good reason, rape kids, dismember and eat each other, fight and murder all the tme like its nothing unusual. Would you run down there and introduce yourself?

Its quite possible that the concept of doing all the terrible shit we do as a human race is completely unheard of from where they are from, and they have simply decided to keep away from us after finding our planet and watching us for a while. And all the UFO activity we come across could just be a few ETs that are curious and decided not to follow rules.

No idea, but thats always been one of the possible explanations to me that if true would make sense.
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Nov 1, 2005
heres the thing i dont aliens that may travel thousands or millions of light yrs away automatically know who the u.s. government is?like they know who to contact as soon as they get here?like why dont they just land in the middle of times square or in mecca during pilgrimage?


Dec 7, 2005
heres the thing i dont aliens that may travel thousands or millions of light yrs away automatically know who the u.s. government is?like they know who to contact as soon as they get here?like why dont they just land in the middle of times square or in mecca during pilgrimage?
do you still kill scraps though ese???
Jul 3, 2008
Both you mathematicians need to figure in the distance these hypothetical planets would be from earth and the time necesary to traverse it.

the time it took our civilization to go from believing that flight is only for angels and spirits to having people on the moon and exploring the universe was less than a century...

thas like 1% of the time that our species has been around

species who have evolved into intelligence and developed their space travel for longer than 1% of their society's lifespan could easily develop the technology.

we went from nowhere to our current state in a small amount of time

in 500 years we could very well have the technology to travel across galaxies
Jul 3, 2008
heres the thing i dont aliens that may travel thousands or millions of light yrs away automatically know who the u.s. government is?like they know who to contact as soon as they get here?like why dont they just land in the middle of times square or in mecca during pilgrimage?
whats stopping them from studying and keeping tabs on our civilization the same way we study animals and fish n shit on our planet

intelligent life has a need for knowledge i think that the same way we study mars and all the other bodies in our system those of a higher civilization study us
Nov 1, 2005
whats stopping them from studying and keeping tabs on our civilization the same way we study animals and fish n shit on our planet

intelligent life has a need for knowledge i think that the same way we study mars and all the other bodies in our system those of a higher civilization study us
so then since these highly advanced beings approve of our governments deceptive ways then we should also be OK with it right?..according to your mathematics were just a bunch of neanderthals who don't know whats good for them.
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Jul 3, 2008
iono if ur on meth or u jus tryna find something to argue about cuz nowhere did i say anything about knowing whats good for us.

but to go along with your "logic''...

they dont have to approve of our government to study it, when u study something its best to do it in it's natural environment without altering it in any way. when we study animal socialization we dont stop them from beating eachother we figure out why they do it. when we study people we often dont tell them what the independent variable is cuz their natural behavior would be altered due to presence of the experimentor.