???????? What would you have done u fuckin retards, i handle that exactly how i should have.. Got them on film and made them leave not getting what they wanted.. They came in even after i said they need a warrant because they got the ok from the owner, i aint no bitch homie i know my rights and i also know not to get too crazy wit them when my dumb ass grandparents give them permission to come in without a warrant. Ya'll some fags i handled them perfect and obviously you dont know how crooked sunnyvale cops are since they are owned by a richer city hall filled wit freemasons who cover up their dirt and all the innocent people they murder. That cop wanted to get me outside break my camera kill me and say i attacked him and ya'll laughing about it like some fags grow some balls.. If i saw a crooked cop beating down one of u fuckers like he was going to kill you best believe i couldn't watch that shit going down without doing something no matter the consequence. Sunnyvale cops have been harassing me for years and having meetings about me in their public city council meetings. Know your real enemy wake up to the real world. I had to talk a certain way in that video but i did not back down or let hem violate my rights and thats why they gave up, its easy to see thats why i posted it just in case these punks murder me and if u think that cant happen ur a fuckin idiot. Yea my grandmas father was a cop do i really give a fuck? No never met the dude but i was bullshitting the pigs like they were bullshitting me about a police call, that was a damn excuse nobody called we had just got home just pulled up and they rolled by and tried to fuck wit me outside my drive-way and i said come back wit a written warrant from a judge then went inside my house and grabbed my video camera and thats when they approached my front door and got permission from my clueless grandma to come inside the house, still they know how smart i am so they backed off after 5 minutes of me not cooperating wit their crooked wayz. Learn how to play the game right and maybe u wouldn't be locked up and im not trying to say anyone who gets locked up is at fault, some shit just cant be avoided but for something like this as stupid as my grandparents are i could have been illegally arrested if i had not played my cards right and they would have lied about some bullshit like they always do, fuck these pigs and fuck you fags who think shit like this is funny.. I hope ur laughing when martial law is fully ordered cuz we almost there it's already here just not full blown but the feds tell the cops they can violate our rights as much as needed and as much as they can until they come across a situation like this where it would be stupid to keep trying to do so
And stop following me on facebook u fuckin stalkers ur worse than the damn cops