i work in the kitchen for some high end classy joint and we get rats that big all the time...shit its nothing to see the janitors walking through the kitchen holding a rat by tha tail...one time dude was walking by w one of those rats, it had been struck in the head w the trap so it was still alive...dude went out back...by the tail swung it to the ground then stepped onits neck w a milk crate...
shit just yesterday the janitor deposited a rat with half its head smashes into the garbage can i was throwing some scallop nerves into...i was throwing them onto the rat and for 4 hrs that fuciing thing was alive...just breathing real heavy...i left and that thing was still kicking amidst a shitload of garbage...then 2 days ago...this lil mice had half his body stuck onto a sticky pad...i felt bad for the lil thin...his eyeball was glued onto the trap and you could see some of its skin had been ripped from it trying to get unstuck...i stuck it w a broom a few times...but yesterday i heard he survived the blows and remianed alive for another couple oof hours.