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Oct 19, 2004
butterball said:
ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Whats beef, thatz beef...the ether and real muthaphukkin G's!!!!!...Dre could make this memorable, maybe he'll wake from his long slumber and bless Ras!!
I agree homie if that would tight if Rass kass got a beat from dre to diss game, that shit would be hard.I doubt Dre would get in the middle of it tho
Feb 7, 2006
Yo, I was on Hip hop game and some fool who said he from Circle City Piru and is BWS, said game got a grip of T-flats (from Comptone) on his team, this shit true? Cause I thought T-flats wasn't fuckin with no bloods, pirus, and blacks in general.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
Wallnutz said:
what you dotn get is...you dont "battle" on wax after the person beat your ass...rap or not....people respect the nigga that whoops ass more than the one that can talk the best...his credibility is ruined by the goofy white boys popping off at the lip...im saying game is a lame we know that going in but ras is grasping at straws like an 8th grader...your hate for game is blinding you
im bored so fuck it, imma type a page about this shit..

i dont hate game...im apathetic about him. its like, ja rule. i i recognize his ability to coexist in the rap game but beyond that, i dont consider their story interesting, thus never listening to them. ive never heard games album, ive never been interested enough to care.

as far as "credibility" goes..dog this isnt chutes and ladders...niggas dont get punched and slide on down to square one...i dont really look at things like, oh so and so got punched he can never rap again..ras kass never rhymed about beating anyone up and to tell the truth, i heard of ras kass getting slid at a show before, that didnt really stop me from listening to him..same with planet asia, he got slid and everything he puts out is dope as fuck to me regardless if either one decided to talk tough.

who am i do dispute whos on top of their murder/blasting game and whos not? just because some dudes a "goofy ass looking white boy" or some kid wears a polo shirt dosent mean i have the right to prejudge their heart..and was he supposed to put shooters on the video to impress someone? should he have gotten a gang so we could ooh and aah? maybe the boo yaa tribe or something since hes cool w/ them? maybe the dudes in the video were real serious maybe they aint. who gives a fuck really, you know...no ones giving me death threats..

what makes me tripped out about the internet though, is how mutha fuckas can take vague ass recounts of a altercation between two known people and start placing them like puzzle pieces that are concrete facts..like oh he cant get hit like this because hes turned like this...oh so and so did this and this happened and thats why this happened...niggas talkin about this shit are getting real lawyer like...trying to prove some shit with little basis..the only people who have spoke are the people of respective cliques...your opinion on the story is based on who you slide with, bieng that theres no concrete facts.

with that said, i look at track records:

game has a history of telling huge stories that end up bieng disputed in some fashion (see: jt the bigga figga,yuk,buddens,jayz, etc.) , has used beef for some sort of pole position with music fans more than three times prior to this, own brother calls him a liar.

what can you really say about ras kass...beyond trying to juice up this incident to some shit where you were watching with your own eyes and you saw him get embarrassed..

at the end of the day hes a west coast legend to me..i respect any rapper on the west coast who did their thing and helped our scene and think they should be shown respect for paving the way. jadakiss aint gon' haul off and punch redman.
Feb 7, 2006
Gas One said:
im bored so fuck it, imma type a page about this shit..

i dont hate game...im apathetic about him. its like, ja rule. i i recognize his ability to coexist in the rap game but beyond that, i dont consider their story interesting, thus never listening to them. ive never heard games album, ive never been interested enough to care.

as far as "credibility" goes..dog this isnt chutes and ladders...niggas dont get punched and slide on down to square one...i dont really look at things like, oh so and so got punched he can never rap again..ras kass never rhymed about beating anyone up and to tell the truth, i heard of ras kass getting slid at a show before, that didnt really stop me from listening to him..same with planet asia, he got slid and everything he puts out is dope as fuck to me regardless if either one decided to talk tough.

who am i do dispute whos on top of their murder/blasting game and whos not? just because some dudes a "goofy ass looking white boy" or some kid wears a polo shirt dosent mean i have the right to prejudge their heart..and was he supposed to put shooters on the video to impress someone? should he have gotten a gang so we could ooh and aah? maybe the boo yaa tribe or something since hes cool w/ them? maybe the dudes in the video were real serious maybe they aint. who gives a fuck really, you know...no ones giving me death threats..

what makes me tripped out about the internet though, is how mutha fuckas can take vague ass recounts of a altercation between two known people and start placing them like puzzle pieces that are concrete facts..like oh he cant get hit like this because hes turned like this...oh so and so did this and this happened and thats why this happened...niggas talkin about this shit are getting real lawyer like...trying to prove some shit with little basis..the only people who have spoke are the people of respective cliques...your opinion on the story is based on who you slide with, bieng that theres no concrete facts.

with that said, i look at track records:

game has a history of telling huge stories that end up bieng disputed in some fashion (see: jt the bigga figga,yuk,buddens,jayz, etc.) , has used beef for some sort of pole position with music fans more than three times prior to this, own brother calls him a liar.

what can you really say about ras kass...beyond trying to juice up this incident to some shit where you were watching with your own eyes and you saw him get embarrassed..

at the end of the day hes a west coast legend to me..i respect any rapper on the west coast who did their thing and helped our scene and think they should be shown respect for paving the way. jadakiss aint gon' haul off and punch redman.
On soul on Ice Rass Kass has that part where he is talking about how he stole on some other rapper for doing basically the same shit Game stole on him for. Karma.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
all im saying is that there hasnt been a consistent story line in any of these stories, and mutha fuckas is takin they own fork in the road and deciding for themselves, that its the truth.

this is a classic fight recount, everyone got different stories and your boy sayin he done seen it may be lying his ASS off but they real close, so he said he seen it too. cats do that.

i mean sure, ras caught a bad one on behalf of WHOMEVER as shown on the video, but do i really care?

if ras kass retaliates back and game is beat up, am i going to like ras kass's songs more?

are we really just looking for entertainment?

at the end of the day ill atleast check for ras kass's shit, game is sort of like a eminem, im going to see it on tv and hear it on the radio so why bother with interest?

thats wack that everyone sides with certain shit in the rap industry...gossip or whatever..shit has gotten to the level of the national enquirer..

ras has to deal with the situation as a man that demands some sort of respect...so i dont really trip about the fact it happened hes just got to do what he gotta do to level the playing field..listening to his songs i think hes smart enough to play the chess move...thats just my guess...
Feb 7, 2006
it seems like most people do. they like wrestling. Gas, you seem to be genuinely in Hip hop since you write, and like some dope ass rappers with skill, but most rap fans dont give a fuck about hip hop, hence their groupie ass activity.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
right, i feel you. im definately not trying to downplay the fact that he caught a black eye. in the same sense i just think that shit makes you human, niggas aint impossible to be touched and if ras kass really was coming at game on that song, so be it..he knows in his heart that it was karma...if thats the case...

in a street sense getting punched up aint a good look, and thats pretty much the bottom line. much less by game, who alot of us are embarrassed by to begin with...

but i dont know if that matters when i bump soul on ice or rassassination or van gogh or the re up mixtapes or the b-sides album or all them wake up show appearances...certain niggas do face some sort of humility but still are given legend status cuz of they music..

only time will tell if he somehow deals with that situation.
in the meantime ill listen to his shit...maybe more than i would have before..
the internet is just magnifying shit. imagine jimi hendrix dying today and all the jokes on youtube about him choking on throw up.

and hip hop is great, im with lyricism and all but youll still catch me bangin screw, listening to cash money, DSR, old 3-6 mafia and all that..
Jul 25, 2003
aye what was up wit them rumours or ras kass signing to g unit??did anything ever come of that?...its a trip though cuz my boy eddi projex homeboy is Ras Kass....he getting a hold of him tonite...so hopefully tomorrow i can get back to u kats wits some sort of added info..
Feb 7, 2006
I hear you. I feel these niggaz are rappers, not wrestlers, not actors -at least while in the studio- not anything but rappers. So I dont give a fuck if A nigga got slapped up by three parapalegic, retarded, kids thizzin, I just wanna hear some good music. I just hate it how ras is tryna play the part of a gangsta when he is just a regular hood cat that can spit. He just needs to drop some hot shit.
Aug 15, 2002
Gas dog seriously...the only person whos story keeps changing is Ras...hell that nigga is running around like the town cryer doing interviews and the shit is almost never the same...30-2 DID NOT HAPPEN...im not speculating on this but straight out of dudes mouth he got hit twice at the most(and the bottle thing is HIS theory)

and yeah ras isnt a street though...so why in the hell is he pretending to be in that video THATS where he loses his cred...running around with lambda lambda lambda spelling out Game with bullets and talking about having dude taken out...THATS WHERE HE LOSES HIS CRED....im not going to stop listening to dudes music ...i own almost everything hes made but when it comes to this issue he got his ass beat and now hes changing u p the story to make himself look good but he only looks worse when his possee looks like the male cast from saved by the bell

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
like i said...i dont know what happened that night from someone who was honestly there and either do you. well maybe you do, but im guessing you werent there or knew anyone who was right there.

i think ras was saying 30 on 2 to give you a understanding of the fact that they were outnumbered. he wasnt giving exact math. and like i said, whatever DID happen to him, regardless of technicalities and logistics of the shit, he'll have to deal with that as a man, more so than gaining our respect.

as far as "his crew"...i dont think he tried to pick out the scariest looking niggas in the world he was probably just chillin with his regular niggas he drink with or what not and they got to talkin about it..