Rapper AP9 Is Soft As A Tissue

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Jul 25, 2007
Speaking of hate, the reason ap9s siccness career started to go downhill is because when people were giving their honest opinions about songs (and all of it was constructive criticizm), ap9 came in and tried to shit on them and call them HATERS... And that was back when ap9 didnt even have any problems with anybody... But i had a problem with him treating people on here like that and i said something about it, cuz i dont give a fuck if youre a rapper or not that dosent give u the right to talk shit to the brehs like that for no reason

We/I tried to have that same conversation with him: "who hated on who, and where" but he didnt get it then and he never will, just like alot of people for some strange reason.
I feel you tho. I SMH at people who cant tell the difference between constructive criticism and hating. Two completely different things.


May 17, 2002
Chula Vista, South Bay, San Diego, California
that word HATE seems to be able to shift & mean whatever people want it to mean these days.

hating in my day was cockblockin over a hoe or blocking someones ability to get some money

now poking fun, making fun of, pullin someones hoe card... thats all fair game

who hated on who & where?

nobody is hating on an imaginary lifestyle


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
Actually this site is the largest traffic West Coast supporting rap website WITH A FORUM in the world. Ranking in the top 150,000 sites world wide out of 85 million sites that get traffic each day and the top 30,000 in the United states. So its actually bigger and gets more traffic than Thizzler, Dubcnn, westcoastrydaz and pretty much EVERY other site that supports west coast hip hop primarily.

So your post is inaccurate. Siccness actually does matter and has WAY more than 5 active members. What you need to to do is do a better job as a Label rep or management company and actually guide your artists on how to deal with the public better. Maybe if the artists that get shitted on on this site had better people in their corner, they wouldnt get caught posting pics of money that doesnt belong to them online. I call these people "controllers". Control your artists direction a little better and you might could have saved him from this public roasting.

In closing, dont blame a website thats been around over a decade and has helped MANY people along the way for your lack of input and expertise on how to Manage your client.

Just my 2 pennies though....
your post should be read to this instrumental



Dec 7, 2005
I appreciate the two cents and your feedback. Honestly my life is so different I come back here now and again to check out the music and scene that was a big part of my life for 10 years.

When I come back I see more negativity and hate than ever before. I admit I used to be a part of it, putting in my 2 cents when I really didn't have a reason other than to stand up for artists when I saw what was going on.

Something happened though...I grew up. I started having other things occupy my time and I was maturing into something different that didn't include music anymore. When I come back here every so often I see less visitors, more hate. So when I say this site is dead itsbecause I believe its NOT GAINING NEW FOLLOWERS We all know the history of west coast rap (fans around the world), and the places these fans got their music. But change is happening, were all getting old and these new kids obviously are not coming here for one reason or another.

So when I revisit this spot every so often, and see all the same old guys, saying the same old bullshit, I wonder if any of you are going to grow up and start worrying about things that actually matter in life?

The key to success is to continue to evolve. If your stuck in the same conversations from 2005 personally I feel sorry for you.
So what's up with jacks projects? Mob figax album?
Feb 18, 2011
His inside joke must've been with that lil Rascal DJ Pimp. They were probably in tears from laughin at that Knee-Slapper of a hilarious "inside joke".

You almost gotta feel bad for him. It's gotta be tiring as hell to spend your life tryin to come up wit your next lie to cover up the few decades worth you already told your whole life. Then you also gotta question what kind of mental issues he has. He's a delusional, pathological liar that actually believes his own made up Gangsta Fairytales. This oughta end well. Smh.
Jan 18, 2006
Ap9 is as soft as the Siccness servers. Had a mothafucka thinking my connection was fucked up till i actually tried another site
Feb 11, 2006

Ap9 just makes shit up as he goes along...Inside joke bwahahaha yeah right...

I actually think this nigga got Learning difficulties and doesnt understand what certain words mean...he says people on the Sicc do FAKE shit...does he know what Irony means??
The more he lies he tells the better it gets bwahaha