-TiM C- said:
49er fans are so immature.
Tim C, once again u are such an idiot. How are 49er fans immature?? we respect every team in the league, i dont care which team i hate, but i know when a team has a good player. ive admitted many times that rich gannon is an awesome quarterback. but u bitch ass raider fans cant even admit that Terrell Owens is the most dangerous wide reciever in league, or admit that Jeff Garcia and Garrison Hearst are awesome. All u guys do is talk shit, and if u ask me, that isnt a football fan, a football fan respects good players no matter what team they are on. u fuckin dumbshits. immature?? geez. u are just like laker fans, whiney bitches who dont shut up. always have an excuse. first lil bitch laker fans talk about magic johnson being better than jordan, but then all of a sudden they get kobe bryant and compare him to jordan. geez, stop the whining, this is sports, not a fuckin city council meeting.