The point is the Silver and BlackOUT NEVER had any "glory days." The STEELERS OWNED the 70's and the NINERS OWNED the 80's and early 90's. The last time the Silver and BlackOUT won a super bowl was over 20 FUCKIN YEARS AGO. It hasn't even been 10 years since the NINERS' last super bowl win. Second, the NINERS are FIVE for FIVE in super bowls, also, since you're talkin about firsts-the NINERS are the FIRST of only TWO teams to win FIVE super bowls, kid. Oh and I'm 29, I've SEEN my team win ALL five super bowls in MY lifetime, have you even SEEN your team win in YOUR lifetime? And to answer your question about which teams RULES the Bay Area-The NINERS-just in the last 20 years, while the Silver and BlackOUT were movin away to L.A. and then back to Oakland, the NINERS accomplished 16 CONSECUTIVE WINNING seasons-18 WINNING SEASONS overall, 15 DIVISION TITLES and 5 SUPER BOWLS-THE FIRST TEAM TO DO SO. Bottom line-the most dominant team in the NFL the last 20 years. Oh and I forgot to mention that the NINERS sellout EVERY home game while the Silver and BlackOUT can't even sellout ONE. Have fun listening to your team on the radio since they're playing in Oakland and it WON'T be a sellout, so thanks to your "nation" it'll be ANOTHER BLACKOUT game. And since it's not on a monday night, they won't have ABC or Microsoft to buy out the rest of the tickets to bail Oakland's ass out of another blackout game.