R2: Dvious v. Biggz v. Tadou

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Jun 11, 2002
Tadou, if your the tightest mother fucker on here,why is it that your the only one that thinks so.I've read so many posts on here by people that say your flows lick NUTZ!!!!So do us all a favor and shut the fuck up...and oh yea,wich compilations are you suppose to be on,so I can know wich ones not to buy:dead:
Jun 10, 2002
Tadou man Your verse sucked plain and fucking Simple man.I looked at it and could tell it sucked.Everybody else says it sucked.The Judges agreed too.You seem like a moron.And If your Rapping ablity is as bad as your battling skills I dont think you will be in the business long.So Step aside and let the winners thru.
Jun 10, 2002
Dvious is my homie.And I feel like ya'll fucking crybabies that lost need to just work on ya'lls shit and try again instead of bitching and complaining.and In My Opinion Tadou did come weak.Tim You came kinda weak too.but you can do better.So take it how the fuck you wanna take it.But My Homie is tight and Hes proved it up to this point.So If you dont like it.Fuck it
Jun 10, 2002
Tadou I know Talent you No Rapping Piece of Dog shit.Its pointless to argue and try to tell somebody Like Simon On American Idol You have no Talent.Cuz you dont.Sell Some fucking records and then Talk shit.And Oh Yeah YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK GOODBYE FAGGOT
Jun 9, 2002

tadou said:

I (as well as Tim C, now that i mention it) come wit the 21st century flow: the multi-syllables, the EMBEDDED punchlines (not that "you couldnt hang if you were lynched" bullshit), and the every-word-hits-a-hat flow.............Dont hate me cuz your boy uses the Early-To-Mid 90's wack flow thats only popular because people forgot how WEAK it is!! (For proof of this, take 9/10 songs played on the radio--their flow dont match it....mine does. Take 9/10 videos played on TV--my flow matches...theirs doesnt.)
well... not to butt in or anything... but the multi-syllabic style rhyme has been done since the early nineties... look at masta ace, craig G, kool G Rap, Rakim, KRS... all use multiple syllables when rhyming... and tell me one thing... you talk about all of these great battle boards and tourneys, and allll this shit about underground battling and shit... not to mention you left juice out of your list of battle cats, but anyway... if you rep hiphop... why would you want to be like cats on MTV? seriously... cuz that shit is wacc... i mean, im not on either side of this argument... but... if you're going to say something... at least bring some relevance or at least some-what of an understanding of the topic of debate the next time you decide to open your mouth... oh... and just cuz you rhyme like 5 little words in a sentence doesn't make you nice... ha, i laugh at how you still put dashes between your wordplay (multi's), something i did when i first started...

i ride-in-the-car, hide-in-the-barn//
fried-with-the-stars, type-of-guitar//

it aint hard to rhyme lots of words... put some content behind those words and you've got something...

stay up, and keep practicing...

Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
(I 'preciate that Tim C, you know the biz...)

I (as well as Tim C, now that i mention it) come wit the 21st century flow: the multi-syllables, the EMBEDDED punchlines (not that "you couldnt hang if you were lynched" bullshit), and the every-word-hits-a-hat flow.............Dont hate me cuz your boy uses the Early-To-Mid 90's wack flow thats only popular because people forgot how WEAK it is!! (For proof of this, take 9/10 songs played on the radio--their flow dont match it....mine does. Take 9/10 videos played on TV--my flow matches...theirs doesnt.)

Take that bullshit to sohh.com, and watch how much you're gonna get laughed at....take that shit to rapmusic.com and freestyling.com......take that shit to a Blaze Battle......this is the ONLY site you get props for that bullshit on....but trust me, even THAT is about to change......
This is the mutha fuckin siccness homeboy. Don't come to our home and tell us how things need to be run. "When in Rome do as the Romans." Take 9/10 dildos and shove them up your ass if you're gonna come sideways about how we do shit in this OUR home. If I had such power I would ban your sorry ass from here without even thinking twice. I could give two fucks about rapmusic.com, sohh.com or freestyling.com! They can all suck a fat cock for all I care and I wouldn't be suprised if yall actually got down like that. You just need to take your haterism back to the cave you were raised in. I just don't understand you...if you don't like how we run things here then why not leave? It's as simple as that!
Jun 10, 2002
Tim I aint got no beef with you.But Tadou you need to watch what you say and work on your shit.if yor tight prove yourself put out a cd for real and sell some records.Your on the Siccness man.and Dont diss and talk shit.just take the loss and come back tighter man.Im out
Apr 25, 2002
I actually agree with some of tadou's points....and I also think he was the most articulate with his rhymes (I actually think his rhyme pattern is pretty polished....good use of multiple word rhyming). But tadou, u coulda threw in some more wordplay and creative vocab in there....u might think that shit is corny, but it demonstrates cleverness if done right (and I actually thought that half price wig line was kinda tight, lol).
Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
Juan: Ill break it all down for you, since im ill like that.

DVious..my opponent..i aint just gonna start my rhyme with "Dvious is gonna need a needle and thread aftr i rip him!" or some shit like that....Devious is an adjective..cat is slang...I'm a devious cat...rhymes PERFECT with 3 in ya back..but what before that? I could have put "Then im probably puttin", or "And i might could leave"...but what sounds better than "2 in ya front...3 in ya back"? Front and back are opposites, 2 and 3 are numbers..and it rhymes EXACTLY with the previous line...devious crime..you aint even believin its mine...awake you fall, asleep when you rise...on and on..for every 5 rhymes you can find for shit like cat/hat/mat/pat, there's about 25 for every set of words...

You are confused about what I was tryna say and by typing all that nonsense you just confused me as well...

Thanks for tryna break it down but it wasn't necessary. I just thought you used that same line in another battle but I guess I was wrong.
Apr 25, 2002
tadou said:
YV: thanks, i 'preciate that review, and i know EXACTLY where you're comin from...in that verse, i was doin more of a Song type thing, somethin i could put on wax, and most people wouldnt even REALIZE its a diss track unless it was directed at them...

i think my shit had the best structure, most versatility, and was the easiest of the 3 to flow to yourself...
That is all true....a lot of folks just dont got the eye or knowledge for that shit. I DO on the other hand...cuz music is really my only area of expertise. Yours woulda been a pretty good battle verse on audio....and lookin at your rhyme structure and style, u seem like u would be a good freestyle battler....unlike me, Im a lyricist. But I think on this board folks are mostly lookin for clownin, punchlines, and clever wordplay. Just keep that in mind for the next tourny.
Jul 3, 2002
I Need A mc 2 Battle Against !!!!!!!

Damn Ya'll are good at your rhymin !!! shit I can bust rhymes my self. Im looking for some one to battle wit ! any takers ? then hit me up !

Name - Brown Pride aka Tha Ruthless Assasin
Turf - South11th.ave of Tucson Arizona
Gang - 11th.ave Brown Priders (BPG)