R2: Dvious v. Biggz v. Tadou

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Apr 25, 2002
I got the whole board shook, Im a devious-cat
You talk shit? Its 2 in ya front...3-in-ya-back
I only care about my weed-and-my-raps..my money-and-fam
The microphone is sorta like a gun-in-my-hands
So before you think of comin-to-dance...buckle-ya-shoes
Cuz by the time im finished, you'll be up-in-a-noose
Struggle-wit-you? You're shakin like a handfull-of-dice
So if you come back, recognize you're gamblin-ya-life
Who's next? I'm next...and im also-ya-last
How you think you beatin me when you're false-and-you-wack?
If i saw you, i would call-you-a-fag...and spit-in-ya-grill
Cuz anytime i battle, its my mission-to-kill
You actin 'Big', but i aint givin-a-fuck..
Cuz when i hit you wit the mac, fuck ya size...its liftin-you-up
Ima bout to take the whole tourney, you gon witness-it-bitch
And why's that? Cuz My legacy's Beginnin-with-Biggz...
Apr 25, 2002
here goes nathan, Two wack ass rappers are what i am facing-
The Tourney Belt is what i am chasing-
Racin blood in my system, your parts in the tourney are what i am replacing-
erasing, preschool flows like tadou and dvious, both of yall are wack-
even if both of yall were hoes, i still wouldnt let yall lick my sack-

your flows are outdated, people want to see new shit-
You can go www.cheapflows.com their better then yours, but i forgot your jewish-
You molest kids liek the priest of the catholic church-
you search for rhymes while i already got mine, now your feelings are hurt-
i am PIMP PROFESSOR and your moms my dick suckin GENUS-
Hot like Venus, Go to counseling for your small penis-
THE LEGACY BEGUN, cuz i juss beat you-
Shoot you with my gun, i juss greet you-

cheap bastard that juss got his space bar fixed-
out on the TRAIL to kill, but i aint Chex mix-
Make you siver, i am cold hearted now, ryhmes i will deliver-
Chop up your liver, feed it to your family, i am such a kind giver-
Your mama's so smelly, even dogs won't sniff her crotch-
i am top notch, beat you in less then 5 mins, juss check ya watch-
Sorry to say but you are a waste of sperm-
holdin my grip firm, you fail this battle and the mid term-
Tell the future like MS.CLEO, you juss lost this battle-
please dont go tattle to mama, dama everywhere juss relax and play with your rattle-

nuttin but tryin to advance.. good luck to both of yall.... i am juss trin to family shit off my chest...
Jun 11, 2002
here it is!!!!!


aight fuck it...this is apocalypse now
the beginning of the end for BIGGZ and Tadou
begin the count down... you bitches won't last long
you couldn't get pussy in a mourge with a strap on
put you on the corner have you makin me cash
with fools runnin in your ass like the 100 meter dash
think fast...your limbs are being snapped like twigs
turnin on the after burners as if I was a MIG
lines slicin wigs,dicin BIGGZ down to size
while the shadow of the Chosen One clouds the skies
as Tadou tries..to hide because I leave broke necks
have you bleedin internally,leave you needin a kotex
don't flex, this dope text keeps you at a distance
vaporize you bitches makin you a for instance
no resistance,keep you in a state of shock
while I take you kids' rocks,T takes BIGGZ cock
invade your blocks...steal your souls just like a thief
peep your watch again cuz your time was brief
and it's my belief..that now the victor's been revealed
two more caps peeled...two bitches fates just sealed
no keepin hate concealed...no need to mask it
once you looked into my eyes is when you seen your casket
spittin this mad shit's, a habit, I doubt you
will see round three...I just scorched you in round two
