question for niner fan..

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Apr 25, 2002
oh and by the way there's alot of players that have complained about not gettin the ball yall act like TO's the first. and if you knew your football you'd know that jerry was one of them. much love for jerry though i just had to let that be known.
Apr 25, 2002
naw it's when he came back the year after his injury learn about it. and ain't it funny that yall seem to just love hirin ex-niners. old ass al recognizes greatness yall raiderettes should do the same. might ass well name the fuckin team oakland 49ers. suckelles!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Highthewholeway said:

OK Fatal Faggyt.. I wanna see class & talynt. Someone with so much talynt should have some class. Do you have any class?
If not, Why dont you go in the myddle of your block with your T. Owens jersey and do that arm shyke he did for the camera monday nyght & then take a pen outta your sock and sign your rag for the homies.. your the fuckin sissy.. once you have a little class you wont be. You see, people that have class.. GET RESPECT. People that dont... are fuckin sissys.
man that wuz tha dumbezt thing ive ever read. wut would me dancin in tha street and sigin a ball have to do with class? fuckin moron. thatz a raider fan for you, an ignorant fuck who thinkz they know wut they're talkin bout but really have no clue.
another thing, how doez not havin class make you a sissy?
letz say one guy iz talkin shyt to another guy....thatz not showin any class, but he aint a sissy cuz he haz tha BALLZ to do it. you muzt have it backwardz, you'd be tha fuck gettin punked lyke a true SISSY.
Apr 25, 2002
all there iz to say iz thiz:
if T.O. wuz on your rank ass team, you'd be laughin your ass off with tha rezt of us. i dont see why signin a football hurtz you pussiez so much! even shawn springs wuznt givin a fuck, and he'z tha one Owens caught it over.
and lyke i said, Owens aint bytchin to YOU, so stop BYTCHIN about him!!!!
Oct 2, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:

another thing, how doez not havin class make you a sissy?
WOW you really are a fuckin idiot. Lets think about it, Cryin & bitchin & whinning on the sidelines.. Who does that??
A FUCKIN SISSY. If he had any class he wouldnt be doin that shit. Get it dumbass??? Good.
Apr 25, 2002
take my example you fuckin moron. now go back to school and practice you comprehension. fuckin raider fanz.

i guess sissy wuz tha wrong word to uze for you fuckerz are bytching and whining about Owens, but itz not on any sydelynez....itz on tha NET! that makez you worse than a sissy. id go with PUSSY.
Oct 2, 2002
FaTaL NyGhTmArE said:
now go back to school and practice you comprehension.

^^^^ Hmmmm..ok. *shakes his head*

My point is Proven PUSSY... I know its a hard fuckin fact for you to swallow down, Owens whines like a Bitch, sissy or whatever you wanna keep changin the word too. Your example aint got shit do with anything. FUCKIN NINER FANZ..

I aint on here bitchin about anything either, go look at who made this post and see what he said... Then YOU hop on the bus and get your ass back in school ...Clown.