smeezy said:
HAHA maculent is entertainment for days. OR WHAT??? LMAO, GONE.
"boo hoooo :*( maculentways is a snitch, he got me banned from the siccness!!! u fuckin hater!!!!!!"
ole intrepid cum squeegie ass suburban squares... what do ANY of these faggots know about sitting in a room with a law enforcement official and giving him nothing but lies and extremely vague details regarding the description of a potential felon, all the while putting something of mine that i hold in high regards on the line in order to keep every piece of my credibility in tact... these squares know nothing about that. i been there and done that. most of these fags would buckle on site, and sit there wearing their generic shopping mall printed "stop snitching" 7XL white tee telling these cops everything they know.
and here come these celibate message forum weenies talking about "snitch this, snitch that" like they have something to lose other than a gay ass username like "(A)ll(M)y(C)hildren_(D)ick(S)uckin(B)oy"... bitchmade fictional ass muthafuckas, i'd break that muthafuckas jaw in two places if he called me a snitch in person
but you don't hear me though